Chapter 5: Parents

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Characters don't belong to me. Okay before someone gets mad i know Suki's parents wouldn't do this it is just for the purpose of the story. This chapter will contain violence don't like don't read.


Anxiety flowed off Tsukki in waves as he unlocked his front door, he knew his parents would have received his classification letter by now and he feared their reaction. His father had always called little's freaks, abominations, biological mistakes, and many other horrible names, so who knows how he will react to his own being one of them.

Tsukki walked through the hall to the kitchen hoping that his parents were already asleep, but as he walked into the kitchen, seeing his father sitting at the table with his mother standing behind him, staring at a piece of paper, Tsukki's heart dropped to his stomach.

"What. is this?" his father spat 

"Dad i-" he cut Tsukki off 

"Do you know what this could do to us, do to me, my reputation would be ruined! ALL BECAUSE MY SON WAS CLASSIFIED AS A USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!!" 

"Dad I'm sorr-" 


The man stood up from his chair suddenly, coming over to Tsukki and grabbing him by his shirt. 

"Dad please!" Tsukki plead to no avail 

"YOU ARE WORTHLESS, A MISTAKE AND I WANT YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE!" he bellowed, throwing a punch at Tsukki's face and shoving him to the ground, kicking him in the sides for good measure. "Now go and get your stuff and leave, I never want to see your face here again" once again back to a deathly calm voice.

Tsukki climbed the stairs in pain. Finally, making it to his room, he pulled his suitcase and backpack from his wardrobe and threw all his belongings in them, he didn't have much, just a few the necessities and a few valuables. He left the room with a sullen feeling, this was his home, but he supposed that wasn't true anymore. He could never come back here, all of it gone in a matter of seconds.

With slow agonising steps Tsukki made his way back to the kitchen, he looked into his mother's eyes, silently pleading her to say something 

"Mum I-" 

"Just leave Kei please" Tsukki looked away tears in his eyes running out the house.

@@Time jump@@

Tsukki had been walking around for hours, he had stopped crying a while ago. It was raining now, soaking him to the bone as he felt his world fall apart around him. He had nowhere to go, nothing to eat and his body still ached from the beating. Exhaustion was beginning to take over, and Tsukki was on the brink of collapsing.

He had grabbed all the money he could back at the house, it would be enough to afford a crappy hotel room for a night or two, because there was no way he was going to ask someone on the team for help. How would he explain it? He couldn't tell them the real reason, that he was a... mistake.

Tsukki didn't hate littles, littles like Noya and many others, littles that are small and cute and basically not...him. He couldn't be little, it'd be unnatural.

He found a motel to stay, it was dirty and cold but at least he wasn't being drenched in rain anymore. Tsukki hoped the others never found out about this, but he supposed is would happen eventually. Hopefully, he could avoid the whole little part. Honestly Tsukki didn't know what he'd do once he ran out of money.

Tears started to run down his face again, what was he going to do? Maybe if he could suppress his little side the team wouldn't find out and react like his dad did, maybe one of them would even let him stay at their house for a few days.

Eventually, Tsukki fell into a fitful sleep, filled with nightmares and horrors he deeply wished he wouldn't remember in the morning.

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