Chapter 27 : Reunited

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Heeeeyyyy, i'm back. Big thank you to @Sonia_weeb for helping me make this chapter! Enjoy! There's a special little treat at the end!


Morning went a lot better than the night before. Daichi had even managed to get Tanaka up at a decent time. He had fed the two littles in the home (strawberries and yogurt) and made food for him and Suga, who had decided to sleep in.

"You're a messy monkey, aren't you baby" Daichi said as he wiped Tanaka's face, the little was definitely getting a bath tonight.

"Always Papa" the caregiver rolled his eyes, walking off to clean the dishes.

Suga eventually rose from his 'beauty sleep', as Daichi liked to affectionately call Suga's snoring hours, and helped clean up the kitchen. The littles went off to play and everything was peaceful... until Daichi's phone buzzed.

"Who is it?" Suga asked, still scrubbing dishes,


And as if summoned by the name, Tsukki showed up in the doorway.

"Yama here?"

"Sorry kiddo, unfortunately not" Daichi said, wincing when he saw Tsukki's face fall.

"Why not?" Daichi handed Suga his phone, watching the other boy grimace.

"You see Suki, Yama has to stay with his cousins for a little while longer than he thought but-".

Tsukki's face turned angry in a matter of seconds "NO! No, no, no, no, no!" Tsukki screamed "He said he'd be back in the morning!". Suga gave Daichi a look that clearly read 'your turn', as he picked up Tanaka and walked out the room.

"Look Tsukki I know you want to see Yama, and you will, but-" Daichi was cut off by Tsukki pushing a decently sized plant pot on the floor, shattering it into pieces.


"Tsukki we do not break things, come here" Daichi was trying to be patient, but breaking things was a no go in his house.

The little ran to the living room, obviously trying to get away from an impending punishment. Daichi sighed, and started walking after the blond, at a much slower pace.

The team captain caught the little right before he was about to make it outside. Daichi gripped Tsukki by the wrists, guiding him down to the floor.

"Tsukki, no. You can get hurt if you go outside by yourself, please try and calm down" Tsukki was clearly not listing as he continued to fight against Daichi's hold. The caregiver sighed once again, now wrapping his hands around Tsukki's waist and heaving him up onto his hip.

Daichi strode back into the living room placing Tsukki in the corner of the room "Tsukki, you are going to stay in this corner, facing the wall, and calm down. Now this is a punishment, but I want you to know I'm not mad, just disappointed. I'll call you over in 15 minutes, okay?". Daichi didn't wait for an answer before he turned Tsukki around and walked back to the couch.

Yama had never done this before, but Tsukki had never tried to break a pot or run out the house before. He sat there for what felt like hours (it was still only 15 minutes), before Daichi called him over "Alright, can you come over here now, Tsukki". Daichi didn't sound mad, but that didn't mean anything to Tsukki. His Father had never sounded mad, to begin with, then he'd start yelling.

Still, Tsukki got up, slowly shuffling to where Daichi was sitting on the coach. He heard Daichi sigh before he was gently picked up and put on the older one's lap. "Your allowed to be upset Suki, but you can't take it out on other people, or innocent objects for that matter" Daichi looked over at the smashed plant pot, chuckling a bit.

Tsukki sniffled "I just want Tadashi",

"I know you do darling, and he'll be here as soon as he can, lunch time at the earliest, that's not that long away now". The little seemed to brighten up a little bit at that, but he was still obviously upset about the lack of Yamaguchi.

"Tell you what, why don't I go get Tanaka and you two can watch another movie, that way the time will go even faster, kay?"

"Fine" Tsukki grumped, but Daichi could see the slightest smile the little gave when he put Big Hero 6 on.

They were almost at the end of the movie when the doorbell rung "I'll get it" said Suga getting off the coach, the littles barely noticed the caregiver leaving. However, Tsukki did notice when Suga walked back in with a certain boy with dark green hair.

"YAMA" Tsukki jumped over the coach pouncing on his caregiver.

"Oof" Yamaguchi fell back against the wall, laughing.

"Missed me?"

"Shud up". Yamaguchi kissed the littles forehead, fluffing up his hair and letting him bury his face in his shoulder.

"Would you like to stay for lunch?" Suga asked, figuring how exhausted Yamaguchi looked he probably wouldn't want to make food right now.

"That would be great".

@@time skip@@

It was a peaceful lunch and Yama and Tsukki had stayed quite a bit longer than they had intended, Tsukki didn't seem to mind though, all he cared about was the fact Yama was back.

However, once both littles started to grow tired Yama decided it would be best if they started heading home. Daichi had been kind enough to give them a ride back and Suga had sent them off with dinner.

It felt amazing to be home, in familiar surroundings. It was obvious Tsukki felt the same too because the boy had practically hurled himself onto their ridiculously soft coach, burying himself in fluffy blankets and pillows.

They ate dinner and enjoyed the blissful silence of being in each other's company. The pair had often done this, even before their classifications, simply spending time together, doing nothing, it was a lovely domestic way of living.

"Come on time for bed Tesoro" Yama said softly, Tsukki yawned reaching his arms up to his caregiver,


"Of course, little Tesoro". Yamaguchi lifted the tired blond into his arms, letting him wrap his arms and legs around him like a little Koala "Cuddly, aren't we?"

"...missed you". There Tsukki went again pulling at Yama's heart strings.

"I missed you too Aiko" Yama trudged up the stairs and got ready for bed. With Tsukki already dressed in comfy pyjamas and cuddling nugget all Yama needed to do was get ready himself, "You can go to sleep now love, I'll be back in a minute".

"Nigh nigh" Tsukki closed his eyes, falling onto the pillow.

Yamaguchi walked back into the room to see Tsukki fast asleep, looking adorable. He walked over to the bed, crawling under the covers, bring the little into his arms.

"I love you Aiko" Yama whispered, pressing a kiss to Tsukki's forehead and a tiny voice so quiet and soft whispered back,

"I love you too papa".


So did you enjoy? I thought it was about time for Papa Yama. I love all the votes and comments you leave, they make me feel so happy!

On  sadder note, life is kinda getting in the way of my writing, i've got a lot of work to do and not much free time. I'm using as much of as i can on writing, but ya know, i have other fics. So if i disappear for a while that's why, we can always talk through comments or PM me if you really need.

On a brighter note though! I love you all! Also my cats cuddling me now so that's good. BYEEEEEE.

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