Chapter 22: It's okay baby

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Well would you look at that i'm alive. Thanks to little_directioner_ and Haikyuu beans(sorry if i got those names wrong to this, really appreciate it. On with the story!

Sorry if the translation is wrong:

Aiko - little loved one (Japanese)


Yamaguchi and Tsukki finally finished their (very messy) very enjoyable breakfast. Yama was so happy Tsuki had dropped so comfortably, and now they were both cuddling on the sofa with the TV playing in the background.

"Is there anything you want to do today baby?" Tsukki looked into Tadashi's eyes, it was such an innocent look.

"Mmm, maybe go to park, I like park",

Tsukki was so cute "You wanna go to the park, go on a walk maybe play on the swings for a little bit?".

"Yeah, yeah, swings!" the little jumped up of off his caregiver "I go get ma shoes!". (fucking adorable)

"Alright, alright, I'll go get us some snacks for the park",

"Yay!" the little ran up the stairs to fetch his stuff, Yamaguchi laughed, he never thought he'd get to experience something like this with his best friend.

@@time skip@@

They had been walking for a while now, talking of nothing in particular. It was peaceful, until felt Tsukki a slight ache in his bladder, he decided to ignore it though, in favour of paying attention to Yamaguchi.

"Hey, the swings are over there Tsukki, wanna go play on them, I'll push you",

"Yeah!" all thought of the little bladder issue were forgotten at the mention of swings.

The little ran over to the red set of swings in the corner of the park, dragging Yama along with him, their laughs echoing around the park, it was fantastic. Being little didn't feel like a burden in those moments, it felt freeing.

The caregiver and his little played for hours that was until it started to get dark.

"Hey Tsukki honey we got to go home now, it will be dark soon"

"Ngk" Tsukki's need for the toilet had started to return now and he didn't want to move, he couldn't.

"Yes, we must go darling, we can come back to the park another day though",

"Fine", Tadashi smiled taking the little by the hand. The walk back was silent but comfortable, well as comfortable as one could be when you felt like your bladder was about to explode.

As soon as Yamaguchi opened the front door, Tsukki rushed through, running to the bathroom and just as he was about to turn the knob, he let go. Tears broke free as pee trickled down his leg, he fell to the floor in a heap.

Yamaguchi hurried into the hallway as he heard Tsukki's sobs, rushing to his side when he saw the situation.

"Oh, baby it's okay, it's okay baby, it was an accident, I don't mind a little accident",

"I sorry, I sorry, won't happ'n again, no get rid of me please". Yamaguchi's heart broke, he wanted to scream at Tsukki's parents for hurting his baby like this.

"Suki, I will never get rid of you, I love you Tsukki, my Aiko. We can get you things to help with your accidents, but they will never disgust me, upset me, anger me, no, you are perfect Tsukki, absolutely perfect".

Tsuki broke down once again, latching onto Yama, tears still spilling into his shoulder. "I know baby I know, but let's get you cleaned up, okay?" he kissed the little's hair, before lifting him into his arms.


Hehe, i'm so sorry this took so long, i just kinda lost motivation for it. Hoped you liked it, so yeah, see ya next time!

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