Chapter 9: Reassurance

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Characters aren't mine. I have no idea what i'm doing, excuse my horrible writing, enjoy!


"I'm a little" Tsukki said in a small voice. It shook Yamaguchi to his core. A little headspace was something to be loved and enjoyed not hated and feared. How could be people be so cruel to those blessed with such classification. No one should never have to hide their headspace.

"Oh, Tsukki I would never hate you for that, I'm a caregiver remember it would be against my biology and even if I wasn't, I could never hate you, I care about you too much" Yamaguchi tried to reassure him, but he could see the scepticism in the other boy's eyes.

"I promise you Tsukki, I promise I could never hate you",

"What about the team, they hate me already"


"The others, they hate me" Tsukki said once again in that small little voice of his, if Yama didn't know any better, he would've said the blond was slipping into headspace, but then again, he hadn't really seen a little slip properly before. Except for Tanaka but that didn't really count because of how quickly he dropped.

"The team doesn't hate you Tsukki they all stayed behind in the gym to make sure you were okay; they care about you too" Yamaguchi could actually feel his heart break into little pieces and fall to the deepest pits of his stomach.


"Really" he said pulling Tsukki in for a hug even tighter than the last.

Tsukki didn't know how to respond to all of this, his head felt fuzzy, it didn't hurt anymore which was a relief, he just felt warm and relaxed, something he hadn't felt in a long time. Being cuddled up against Yamaguchi's chest gave him another feeling that he didn't even know, but it felt good, it felt right.

"Hey Tsukki" Tadashi said after a few minutes of silence "So, the team has been waiting in the gym for like two hours and are probably feeling all kind of anxiety and I think Yachi threw up after I left" Tsukki didn't like where this was going "Do you think you can head back down there with me so they know you're okay?" yeah, he didn't like it, no thank you, Tsukki was perfectly content just sitting where he was.

"Taaddaashi" wow he sounded whiny. "Come on just a couple of minutes then we can go home"

"I don't live at my home anymore" a horrible sadness had started to seep into Tsukki's voice.

"And my stuff..."

"We will go get your stuff then you can come and stay at my house, my parents aren't home, so you don't have to worry about them" Tadashi's parents were never home.

"...Okay" Tsukki said sceptically.

"Great, up you get then", Tsukki groaned.

@@sorta time jump@@

Yamaguchi didn't know how he managed to get Tsukki to agree to see the rest of the team, he could tell he wasn't happy about it, but the team needed some peace of mind.

"Come on Tsukki just in and out just so they know your alive". Yamaguchi knew this wasn't going to be easy, having to tell all your friends a secret you had tried so hard to keep. Tsukki looked like he was between headspaces as well, which probably wasn't the nicest place to be when you need to do something like this. "Fine" Tsukki grumbled out "Alright then, let's go."

Yamaguchi opened the big metal doors of the gym with a clang, and in just a few seconds all the inhabitants of the room were rushing over to the two boys "TSUKKI" a chorus of voices screamed.  

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