Chapter 32: Pouty playdate

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I fucking did it my dudes! I'm updating it's a miracle.


Tsukki hadn't been in headspace for a week now. Ever since he had gotten back from the talk with his brother, he had been avoiding his headspace like the plague. Once Yamaguchi was sure Tsukki had fully recovered from his illness and they were back at school, he confided in his worries with Suga.

"I know littles aren't in headspace all the time, but I really felt like we were making progress, he was so happy and now I feel like we've taken several steps backwards" Yamaguchi sighed as he took a swig of his water.

"Seeing his brother again probably triggered some bad memories of his family, maybe he just needs some encouragement from his friends",

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't we set the up a playdate for all the littles? I'm sure Tanaka and Noya would be good at helping a friend regress, maybe we could even get Kageyama to join in",

"That... could actually work, I'll bring the idea up to him tonight",

"Hey guys get up we still got practise to do!" Tanaka yelled from across the gym,

"Okay, okay we're coming" Suga chuckled.

When they got home that night, and Yamaguchi had gotten Tsukki dressed and ready for bed he laid the little down and pulled him into his arms, he was glad Tsukki still let him take care of him like this, even when not in headspace.

"Hey, baby, I was thinking, how would you feel about having a playdate with the other littles" Yamaguchi felt Tsukki tense in his arms.

"D-do I have to?"

"Of course not honey, I just thought it would be nice. A nice time for you to have fun in your headspace you haven't been little for a while now and I was getting a bit concerned",

"I'm fine" Yamaguchi knew Tsukki was lying, Tsukki knew he was lying. He had spent the last week pushing his headspace as far away as possible, every time he came close to slipping all he could think of was his father's angry face in his mind. Yet he never pushed away Yamaguchi's affections, not that he would ever admit it but the constant attention and love he got from the caregiver was...nice.

"But... seeing the others would be okay I guess, just don't get mad if I don't slip",

"I would never get mad at you Tsukki, now would you prefer the other come here or go to one of their houses this weekend?"


"I'm sure that would be lovely" Yama kissed Tsukki's forehead and smiled gently "Now get some sleep we still have school tomorrow",

Tsukki smiled back and yawned "Night Yama",

"Goodnight baby" Yamaguchi couldn't wait for the weekend.

In Tsukki's opinion the weekend came far too quickly, the others had all agreed to meet up at his and Yamaguchi's house, even Kageyama was coming (after a great amount of convincing from Hinata first).

Still, the overwhelming anxiety he had had the first time he had slipped around others had come back now, along with his father's screaming voice in the back of his head.

Daichi, Suga and Tanaka arrived first, Tanaka being his loud obnoxious self as always, Tsukki had to physically hold himself back from covering his ears once Noya showed up with Asahi. Those two never shut up when they were together.

Hinata and Kageyama arrived last, Kageyama looked like he had been forced there and Hinata's tight grip on his hand seemed to be the only thing keeping them there. He seemed just as reluctant to be little than Tsukki was.

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