6. September 25th

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"Our hands fit perfectly." I mumbled looking over at him as we laid together in my bed. The moon light shining through the curtains.
His crystal grey eyes looking down onto me.

Adelpha's Pov:
I looked out over the bridge watching the leaves slowly fall.

"Pretty isn't?" A soft voice asked.

"Yea... summer was always my favorite, but I think fall is growing on me." I laughed slightly looking over at Luna who stood beside me.

"Ah winter has always been quite pretty. Quite peaceful too. The way the snow slowly falls. If you ever stand out in it it's a silence you'll never get again." She said softly.

I gave her a small smile as my thoughts diverted back to a night.

"I can't believe I just lost my virginity." I mumbled as our body's intertwined.

"I want to take you somewhere. I don't know if you'll get the same effect, but I have a feeling you will." She mumbled softly grabbing my hand and pulling me along.

We walked slowly off into the woods...

"You're not taking me out here to jump are you?" I laughed slightly looking over the cliff.

My eyes quickly diverted over to a skeleton like creature with wings.

"What are they?" I asked confused. They looked like dead, but they were very much alive.

"So you can see them?" She asked tilting her head towards me.

"See them? Cant everyone?" I asked a bit taken back.

"No, actually, their Thestrals. Only people who have witnessed death can see them." She mumbled looking down at them with her soft gaze.

"I- I don't understand." I mumbled taken back.

"You've seen someone die haven't you?" She questioned letting my hand fall slowly.

"Y- yes... but-" I started to say as small tears filled my eyes with the memories coming back.

"Mother I'm home!" I called out walking into the house slipping my dirty shoes off at the door.
"Mother?" I called out confused when their was no answer.
"She's in here darling." The maid, April, called out.
I walked into the kitchen...
I was horrified when I saw the image of my mother laying in a pool of her own blood with April crouched down crying...

"What happen, if you don't mind me asking?" She mumbled, her eyes meeting mine.

"It was my mother- I had just gotten home from a day out... It was this summer actually. She was laying in a pool of her own blood as our maid April crouched down next to her crying. She was barely breathing. My father had beaten her to death. Her head was busted open. She looked up at me with her blue eyes turning glossy as I ran over to her grabbing her hand kissing it softly. She mumbled 'You have to be strong. I love you, and yes it's ok for a-' well I can't say the last part, but she died right then and there." I choked out.

"Your- your father?" Luna asked taken back slightly.

"Yes. He was always abusive. I just never thought he would- take it that far. Mother always took the first beating, always being the worst. While i took the last." I mumbled lifting my sweater slowly to reveal the bruising around my ribs and scars.

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