fifty-eight: new years karma*

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The days just seemed to be merging together, but the distinct last day of the year was not to be forgotten.

Lucia had woken Tom up with an array of kisses, and they had spent most of the morning laying in bed enjoying each other's company.

Now that things were out in the open, there was a certain element of freedom that seemed to be added to their relationship. Although Tom was incredibly unenthusiastic about Lucia's drug use, he at least preferred to know about it.

Lucia felt like she had found that balance, where she wasn't taking enough to influence her life significantly like the previous night, but it was enough to satisfy that deep lodged craving that had clawed its way throughout her whole body.

When she went to the bathroom with her bag, Tom felt that tension in his jaw return. But he knew that being angry wasn't going to help this situation. Instead he reigned in his emotions and tried to support her in lowering the amount she took and giving her other ways to be happy.

But if he was being completely honest with himself, he was totally out of his depth with this. However, he didn't even want to imagine Lucia's reaction if he suggested outside help.

It was the afternoon now, heading into the evening. Due to the cold, at lunchtime they had resorted to a picnic in an empty classroom, since it was much too cold to be outside. When Lucia had requested a packed lunch from the kitchens, an array of sandwiches and snacks had been provided to them ecstatically by the elves.

They were now on Lucia's bed, and she lay on her stomach between Tom's legs with a bottle of nail polish in her hand. She had Tom's hand in hers as she repainted the chipped polish on his fingers.

It didn't really bother him, and it seemed to be something that made her happy so he allowed her to brush the black liquid over his fingernails.

"I know you said you didn't want to do too much for your birthday, specifically 'nothing excessive or involving anyone else'." Lucia spoke as she placed the nail polish on the bedside table, "So I thought maybe dinner then we... come back here?" She raised her eyebrows at the last part.

Tom's tongue ran along the inside of his cheek as his eyes flicked up and down. "We could always skip dinner..."

"Not a chance." She scolded playfully as she swatted his hand that began sliding down the small of her back dangerously low.


Muggle London was covered in a layer of frost as they walked down the city streets. It was incredibly crowded considering it was New Year's Eve, but Lucia had thought ahead and booked a table.

The restaurant was overlooking the River Thames, and they were seated on the balcony that overlooked the icy-looking water.

They had ordered a bottle of wine and were sipping at from their glasses as they waited for their food to come, enjoying the warmth that radiated from the gas heaters around the balcony.

"I thought I could give you part one of your present now." Lucia spoke as Tom looked across the river at modern London.

"You really didn't need to get me anything, Lucia." Tom scolded lightly at her inability not to spoil people.

"I didn't go crazy or anything, I just wanted to give you a little something." She smiled as she handed a gift bag to him over the table.

"Thank you, darling." He gave her soft eyes, grasping her hand across the table.

"Happy birthday Tom, even though I don't technically know if you can even age here." Lucia chuckled, brushing her thumb across the back of his hand.

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