thank you & final author's note

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My dearest readers,

We made it!

I know it's been a journey, and I thank each and every one of you for making it this far. Your support means more than you'll ever know.

I started this story when covid was rampant. The news was nothing but misery and fear, and life was really fucking hard.

Books have always been an escape for me, and so I wrote this story to be exactly that.

I know it's not perfect, and there are probably mistakes and plotholes everywhere. But I don't care. I'm no professional writer, I don't pretend to be. I just write purely from the heart and soul.

If this story has even once made you smile, cry, or even just forget about what's going on in the outside world for just a second then I have done my job.

Harry Potter has been such a big part of my life growing up and I'm so honoured to reach such a large audience with my writing.

So to everyone who has read even just one chapter, left one vote, one comment... thank you from the bottom of my heart.

And to those of you who have been here for the whole journey, you know who you are, I love you endlessly.

I wish you all the best in life and I'm sure we'll cross paths again soon.

Love always,

Millie x

*Feel free to leave any final thoughts/comments/questions here*


Started August 2020
Finished January 2022

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