New Beginnings

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Nari reveals her surprise to everyone

"Are we there yet?"

"Can we take these off?"

"Is she finally going through with her plan to get rid of us?"


"SHUT UP!" Nari bellowed out to the noisy car. She leaned her forehead against the window and took in a few deep breaths. She was going to murder them all in a few seconds if they didn't stop whining. She had blindfolded everyone and told them she had a surprise.

With their managers help, they were led to the van and had been driving for around 20 minutes now. "Jeez, you don't have to be so loud," Yeosang muttered and she almost punched him. "We're almost there. Can you all just please be quiet until then?" No one made a peep after that and she was grateful.

Once arrived and her and the manager had safely escorted everyone up to what was going to be their new dorm, she stood in front of them all. Honestly, she was a little nervous. San had said that they were all going to love it and she had nothing to worry about. But she also knew that the dorm they were currently in had been there from their trainee days until now. It held a lot of memories. She wasn't sure how they were going to take it.

She also wanted this to be a new beginning for everyone too. While the old dorm held a lot of precious memories, it was also littered in a lot of the bad ones too. She obviously didn't expect there to be absolutely no fighting or anything. That was going to inevitable especially when you had 9 people living together, 8 of them being grown babies.

To her it was a new start though. A new home to make even more precious memories. A clean slate for everyone to just wash the negativity off and start over. There was a lot more space here than the old dorm too and she hoped that would help diminish the fighting. At least they wouldn't feel like their on top of each other. Plus, she had paid a lot of money for this new dorm and fought tooth and nail to get it and have the company agree. If they didn't like it, she was going to make them like it.

"Okay, take them off!" They all quickly pulled the blindfolds off and Nari held her breath as they looked around. For the most part, they all just looked really confused. "Ta-da?" It came out as a question and she felt her nerves spike. Yunho's eyes went wide and he jumped forward, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her.

"ARE YOU MOVING OUT!?" This also caused Seonghwa to panic slightly, his face contorting with worry while the others just looked shocked. "STOP SHAKING ME YOU BEAN STALK!" She screeched and Yunho stopped, opening his mouth to say something then closing it again. She straightened her clothes out and cleared her throat.

"I am not moving out, thank you very much," she looked pointedly at Yunho who only smiled at her. "This is for—well—all of us. Our new dorm." She saw some of them do a double take at her words, Jongho almost breaking his neck from how fast he whipped it back around. "I-I'm sorry. Say that again?" Hongjoong was in disbelief. There was no way this was their dorm.

"I bought this for all of us. A new dorm. It's spacious and there's lots of rooms. Ten to be exact. We'll have one room left over or three people can have their own room. But I thought that one of the extra rooms could be like a home stud—oof!" She was cut off by someone hugging her tightly.

She smiled at Hongjoong and was a little surprised. He wasn't one for skin ship much so, this was a rare moment. "I-I don't know what to say," he said, backing away and still looking around in disbelief. "How'd you even afford this?" Wooyoung asked, slowly walking around. Nari shrugged it off. "I have some money from when my parents died that I don't touch unless it's an emergency."

"And this was an emergency?" Seonghwa asked and she shrugged again. "Not really. But I figured we could sort of use it like a clean state. A new beginning. Like I said, there's lots of space. I know you all love the old dorm and we've been there for years, but we literally might as well live on top of each other there."

Jongho came over and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. "There's plenty of space here to make many new memories, noona. It's perfect." She smiled, leaning her head on his. "How are we supposed to thank you for this?" Yeosang asked and she smiled, standing taller.

"Isn't that obvious, Yeo? You're all going to move everything in while I sit and watch. And I get first pick on bedrooms." They all groaned but honestly, they couldn't even be annoyed at having to move everything right now. This was way to perfect. Finally, it was like the shock washed over and they all started running around excitedly and checking everything out.

San came up next to Nari, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. "I told you they'd love it," he murmured into her ear. She smiled up at him, placing a quick peck on his lips. "You were right, Choi San. I guess I can start listening to you more." She winked and he smiled, rolling his eyes. Yeosang eyed them pointedly. "You are not christening this place while we are here."

"YAH!" They both yelled at the same time.

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