Nari's Debut

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Nari finally debuts with ATEEZ

Nari took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She was a mix of emotions. Excited, nervous, anxious, happy, belated, shocked. In just a few moments she was finally going to make her debut with ATEEZ. KQ had announced her as the 9th and final member a month ago, putting out a promo video introducing her and she had already appeared on a few variety shows with them along with some interviews. The fans knew of her and knew her, but she was still extremely nervous.

She knew some people would have doubts about her being the only girl in an all boy group. She knew a lot of people didn't think that she would be able to keep up, that she was just using them to skyrocket herself into fame. She never really let the rumors bother her; she knew they were just rumors, not truths. However, she still wanted to prove everyone wrong. She wanted to prove to everyone that she could keep up, despite her smaller frame and being a different gender. She wanted to show them females could be just as powerful and males, even more powerful.

She felt someone place their hands on her knees and looked up, a little surprised. How long had she been spacing out? "You alright, Nari?" Hongjoong asked and Seonghwa was by his side offering a small smile. Nari smiled, showing her white teeth. "Yes! I'm just nervous, but that's expected." Hongjoong smiled, patting her head and telling her that she was going to do just fine and not to worry so much. She smiled again, nodding enthusiastically. The stylist called her over, changing her into her stage outfit and doing her hair and makeup.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She adored her outfit. The short shorts showed off her toned legs and made her look a little taller than she actually was. The blazer was adorned with chains and glittery buttons and the crop top she had underneath showed her ab filled stomach. She wasn't wearing heels today, but her black shoes had some intricate designs of course filled with glitter. Her black hair was hanging loosely over her shoulders, styled to perfection. She had on red lipstick, and she loved the way it made her lips look fuller and more plump. She stared at herself in the mirror, very happy with the way she looked. She twirled around and the stylist scolded her for moving her hair out of place before getting on stage. Nari just giggled.

Wooyoung came up beside her; "you look fantastic. Very hot." He said, winking and throwing his arm around her shoulders. She thanked the younger, leaning her head on his chest. "I like it! We're almost matching!" She pointed between both of them. They all were wearing black, but hers and Wooyoung's outfits had almost the same type of design. Their shoes matched as well. She loved that they got to match due to both of them not being afraid to show a little skin. His shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way, exposing some of his chest. Seonghwa ran over, trying to pull Nari's blazer closed. "Yah! You're too young to be showing all of this! Wooyoung closer yours too!" Nari giggled, swatting his hands away.

"Oppa, I'm hot. We're definitely going to get rookie of the year if I continue to dress this way." She winked and Wooyoung laughed as Seonghwa stood there, obviously uncomfortable but completely shocked at Nari's bluntness and confidence. He rolled his eyes, walking away to talk to the stylist. He'll be damned if they were only dressing her like this to boost the groups status (which obviously wasn't the plan). San walked over, fixing a piece of Nari's hair. "You look sexy, Nar." He winked and she blushed but thanked him. "Are you sure you're okay?" His brown orbs were laced with concern.

"I'm okay, oppa! Really. I'm just nervous, you know? I want to prove to everyone that I can do it." San smiled, staring fondly at the younger. "You're going to do great, love. And if they can't see that, know that we can. You have nothing to prove. You're already the best." She smiled, jumping on him and wrapping her legs around his waist. San easily caught her and he felt his face heat slightly. "Thank you, San-oppa." She kissed his cheek, hopping down. Their manager came and told them to start heading to the stage. Nari suddenly felt like her legs were jello. This was it. It was time for her to show the world what she had.

Mingi nudged her shoulder and she smiled. "Need a boost?" He said, kneeling in front of her and looking over his shoulder. She laughed, hopping on his back without a second thought and Mingi carried her all the way to the stage entrance. "Good luck, Nari! Fighting!" He said and took his position in line. She heard the fans shouting and cheering, she heard their intro music playing and suddenly everything seemed to disappear. She no longer felt any of the nerves she had been feeling all day. All she felt was surge of adrenaline and then calmness.

They ran out on stage and Nari danced and rapped her heart out. She made no mistakes, and everything was perfect. Seonghwa was practically dying every time she rolled her body, wanting to take his jacket off and cover her up. But he was proud of Nari and anyone could see the pride twinkling in his eyes anytime he looked at her. Yunho and Mingi stayed close just in case, dancing around with her on stage and playing with the crowd. Both of them kept her in the spotlight, just being background backup for her. They loved her confidence and Yunho was happy to shake his butt during a ment along with her.

Yeosang and Jongho looked at her, beaming with happiness. They knew how nervous she was and they definitely felt like she had just blown everyone away, including them. Yeosang kept teasing her every chance he could get and she would do it right back. The fans loved it. Jongho arm wrestled with her and picked her up and spun her around a few times. Wooyoung, San and Hongjoong were belated in this moment. Wooyoung continued to dance with her, even during their random dance times. He wasn't afraid to buck his hips or roll his body with her and laughed animatedly at how Seonghwa looked like he was going to have a heart attack every single time. San had nothing but love in his eyes for Nari. He was so extremely proud of her, joining her and Mingi when they would run around like 5-year olds and dancing with Wooyoung.

Hongjoong was probably the proudest of them all. He'd admit that he was nervous for her at first but he was so happy that the fans were being supportive and cheering her on. He didn't miss how every turn, every note, every facial expression was absolutely perfect without looking robotic. He mainly enjoyed seeing his younger dance around stage, her confidence shining and her wide smile beaming. When they all came down at the end, everyone lifted Nari into the air as they walked back towards the dressing room.

"We're so proud of you, Nari! You were absolutely great! Perfect! Marvelous!" Yunho said, dramatically throwing his arm over his eyes. Everyone laughed and then there was a bone-crushing group hug that Nari loved. She was happy. She could finally call this her family, her home. She looked around adoringly at her brothers, just relishing in the feeling of accomplishment and love. Suddenly she spoke up, stepping up onto the table that once held food.

She lifted her arms up, quieting her lively members down. "Thank all of you, so much. For supporting me, for welcoming me, and for making me a part of your family. I consider you all my family, my brothers and I am really happy that this moment in my life I was able to spend with all of you." The boys cheered, shouting a course of I love you. Seonghwa finally had enough, running up to taking her down from the table and throwing his jacket over her. "You are way to comfortable with all that skin showing. You're still a baby!" She laughed, tugging his jacket tighter around her.

"I'll cover up only for you, oppa."

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