Creeper Pt. 2

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Nari encounters an overly friendly fan

Nari jumped as someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around, meeting the face of a boy not much younger than her. He wasn't wearing a staff badge and she was quickly racking through her brain how he could have gotten back here without it. "Are you Kim Nari? Of ATEEZ?" He asked with wide eyes and a bright grin.

She couldn't help but think he looked cute. Seeing fans star struck over her wasn't something she was used to right now and it was still cute to her. "I-uhm, yes. That's me! How'd you get back here?" She asked, trying not to sound as panicked as she was currently feeling. "My dad is a staff here. I came with him. I'm a huge fan! I think your rapping is super cool." He flashed another grin and she smiled.

"Well, how about a picture? But don't tell my manager or I might get in trouble." She winked, leaning down a little. The heels she currently had on made her taller than him. He nodded his head and looked blown away that she had even suggested it. He snapped the picture, looking at it with heart eyes.

"Nari! Are you okay?!" Seonghwa ran up, grabbing her arm and pulling her closer to him. He glared down at the teenager in front of him and Nari gently shook her arm out of his grasp. "I'm fine, Hwa. He's just a fan." She narrowed her eyes, not understanding why he looked so uncomfortable or like the boy had committed some type of sin.

"Thanks for the picture! Fighting!" The boy said, bowing and running off. Nari smiled and then turned to Seonghwa, crossing her arms over her chest. "What was that for?" Seonghwa sighed in relief mostly. His eyes had been playing tricks apparently. "How'd he even get back here?" Nari shrugged, relaying the information that the boy had told her.

"I don't—something just doesn't feel right." She scoffed, turning and heading into the bathroom. "Well, he was nice and just wanted to say hi." Seonghwa leaned against the wall, something in his gut telling him that this wasn't just some random encounter. "Really? I'm perfectly capable of using the bathroom on my own."

He just shook his head, walking back with her. When they returned to the dorm, there was a package waiting addressed to Nari in front of the door. "Who's it from?!" Wooyoung asked as she went to open it. "I don't know. I don't have anyone that would send anything." She dropped the small box after she opened it, eyes wide with shock.

"Who's that?" San asked, peering at the picture she just dropped. "That was—I just—what the hell?" Seonghwa peered over San's shoulder, eyes hardening. In his hands was the picture that he assumed Nari had taken with the boy just over an hour ago when he found them in the hall. "Isn't that the kid you were with by the bathroom?" He asked and she nodded, trembling a little.

"But how did he—he knows where I live?" Hongjoong patted her shoulder, giving it a little squeeze. "Looks like you met your first sasaeng. I'll tell manager about it tomorrow. Just be careful. Don't go out alone for now." She nodded and that night she slept in Jongho's bed, knowing the younger would be able to knock anyone out with one punch if it came down to it.

Time Skip

"I forgot the necklace!" Nari said, running out of the van and back towards the dorm. "I'm sure the stylist has another one," Yunho called after her but she didn't hear him. The stylist had asked her specifically to bring this necklace for today's shoot and she was still fairly new, she didn't want to cause problems.

She reached the door, entering the passcode and throwing it open. She ran to her room, rummaging around her dresser and drawers looking for it. "Where did I put it?" She scolded herself. "Whatcha looking for?" She jumped at the unfamiliar voice. She turned around, mouth dropping open when she saw the same boy from just a few weeks ago standing in the doorway to her room.

"How did you—who even are you?!" She asked, feeling her anger bubble up. She felt a little violated right now; this was her home where she was supposed to feel safe and she felt anything but right now. "Noona! I'm your biggest fan! Don't you remember me?" The crazed look in his eyes made her take a step back, but he matched her and took one forward.

Alarm bells were ringing in her head, screaming for her to bolt as fast as she could back down to the car. But the fear paralyzed her and she couldn't move. Plus, she really didn't think she'd make it around him. She may be older judging how he called her noona, but he was definitely bigger and stronger than her.

"I think—you need to go. I'll call the police." He just laughed, throwing his head back. It caused her to shiver involuntarily and that seemed to just give him more motivation. "Noona, you don't need to be scared. I just wanted to talk to you." She bit her cheek to keep from saying something rude. She didn't want to antagonize him and she only hoped that she had taken long enough for someone to come up and see what was going on.

"I don't want to be your friend." She spit out and clapped her hands over her mouth. She didn't mean to say that out loud and the boy's eyes flashed with anger. He took another step forward and she gulped, hands starting to tremble. She needed to run. So, she did. But she didn't make it very far.

The boy pushed her, causing her to fall forward and smack her head on the door frame. She groaned, cradling her head in her hands. "Nari, what is going—who the fuck are you?" She never felt so happy to hear Seonghwa's voice in all her months of knowing him. He helped her up, pushing her behind him and she gripped his shirt, balling her hands into fists.

"Nari. Go downstairs. Call the police. Now." His voice was hard and final, eyes never swaying from the boy in front of them. She didn't say anything, spinning on her heels and bolting out the door and down to the car. She relayed what was going on and their manager was on the phone with the police immediately. Jongho and Mingi had run back upstairs to help Seonghwa.

Nari followed after she had calmed down some. She didn't want anyone to get hurt because of her. She heard a thud and someone groan from the hallway and she started sprinting towards the door, throwing it open, hoping that none of them were hurt. However, she was met by a reliving sight. Seonghwa had the boys pinned on the ground, face down with his knee pressed in his back. Jongho and Mingi were on each side of him, holding his arms down.

"Don't you ever—and I mean ever—think of coming back here, to one of our concerts or another fan signing again. You're the trash that gives the rest of the fans a bad name. And I'll make sure you pay for every bit of harm you've caused." Seonghwa hissed in a low voice. Nari walked over on trembling legs and Seonghwa offered her a warm smile. The police showed up moments later, handcuffing the kid and dragging him out as he continued to shout that he didn't hurt her and they were friends.

"You okay, princess?" Seonghwa asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She shrugged, leaning into his side. He moved his arm to wrap around her waist, supporting her weight. "It's over now. Did he hurt you?" She shook her head as he gently walked them back down to the van. "You have a bruise on your head." He said with a frown and she opened her mouth in an 'o'. "I tried to run and he pushed me. I hit my head on the door frame. Then you came in."

Seonghwa muttered something under his breath that Nari didn't catch before helping her into the car. "Where's everyone else?" She asked, looking around as he climbed in to sit next to her. "You have to give your statement, love. I'll go with you. We'll go to the shoot after that, promise." She nodded, her head still kind of in a fuzz and he pulled her closer, kissing her temple.

"My knight in shining armor," she joked weakly and he hummed, smiling down at her.


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