Coming Home Pt. 2

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Nari finally goes back to the dorm

"It'll be fine, Nar. Everyone really missed you." Yunho said as he grabbed her bag and offered her a small smile. She nodded. She was ready to be home and back with her boys but she was also anxious because she knew the underlying issues would need to be sorted. Specifically, San.

They walked up, entering into the dorm. Seonghwa swooped her up into a hug and spun her around. "My baby! I missed you. Next time, I'm going with you. Hongjoong doesn't cuddle me." She giggled, hugging him back and slipping back on to the ground. "I missed you too, thank you for letting me get away."

He nodded, ruffling her hair. "I'm so glad your back!" Hongjoong said, blue hair entering her vision. She smiled, ruffling his hair. "You failed to mention you were becoming a blueberry, Joong." She teased and he rolled his eyes but pulled her into a half-hug. "Oh how much I've missed your teasing."

"Where's everyone else?" She asked and Hongjoong shrugged. "The studio I think. But Yeosang is in his room if you wanted to—ya know—talk. I can put on my leader voice." She chuckled, shaking her head. "I'll let you know if I need it but I'll handle this one myself." He nodded, kissing her cheek.

She took a deep breath before knocking on the closed door. "Come in," Yeosang's voice called out and she opened the door, wincing as it creaked a little. He turned around, eyes going wide before he looked back towards the floor. "I didn't know you were coming back today." He said quietly. She shrugged, sitting down on the bed.

"Well, here I am." He didn't say anything. He had words formed in his brain, had been meticulously planning what he wanted to say to her when she came home, what he wanted to apologize for and how he was going to work at being not just a better team member, but a better friend and brother. But all those words were lost now.

He was slightly relieved that she looked happy and brighter. "Nari-ah," he said quietly, and she looked at him, offering a small nod to encourage him to continue. "I want to apologize. For everything." He looked down at the floor and Nari didn't say anything, waiting for him elaborate.

"I—I haven't treated you the best ever since you joined. I was cold and a jerk. And it got better and I know this time around I really messed up. I shouldn't have picked sides. But seeing my friends hurt really upset me but you were hurt too. And I ignored that and I didn't hear your side. And I'm sorry."

She hummed but didn't say anything. It was the most emotion she had really seen him show in the past two years of knowing him. "I want to be a better friend. And team member. And brother. Mostly brother. But I was on my own a lot growing up and I'm still learning. And I'm really sorry, Nar. So fucking sorry."

His eyes were glossy with unshed tears and Nari slid off the bed in front of him and wrapped him in a hug. She felt him tense under her, but quickly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer and squeezing her as if she was his lifeline at the moment. She felt him tremble a little as he buried his face into her neck. "It's alright, Yeo. I forgive you."

He pulled away but didn't let her go. He was afraid if he let her go that she would go for real; forever. "Y-you do?" She nodded, patting his back. "I do. I don't think things can go back to how they were before; at least not right away. But we can work on it. Together as a team and as a family." He nodded once, blinking his eyelids rapidly to force the tears to stay in.

"I'm sorry too, though. I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with and that I butt into things that aren't my business. But I'm going to work on that too." He smiled, weakly, still refusing to let her go. "Yeo, I know this is sentimental and all but I kind of really need to pee." She said and he let go, face flushing. "S-sorry. I was just worried that if I let go you'd be gone."

She shook her head, kissing his cheek. "I'm here to stay, Sang-ie. I promise. It's gonna take more than a few arguments and blown-out-of-proportion fight to make me leave." She winked, standing up and turning towards the door. He chuckled a little, feeling relieved. She'd forgiven him. Maybe not fully, but she was willing too and willing to work on their friendship. That's more than what he could have asked for.

"Oh, and Yeosang?" She said deadly sweet, looking over her shoulder. He looked up, meeting her brown eyes that were sparkling with excitement. She smirked, biting her bottom lip before speaking.

"I think one way to start this forgiveness thing in the right direction is buying me whatever I want for the next month. And I get to pick movies on your movie night and also we switch blankets because yours is warmer and fluffier. And I get to wear that hoodie because it's soft."

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