Reactions: When Nari Cries

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Hongjoong: He hates seeing Nari cry for any reason. It literally breaks his heart. He will do anything and everything to find out the root of the problem and try to solve it. He is the one that will force her to talk about it, even if she doesn't want to because he knows if she keeps it in it is just going to make her feel worse. He'll cuddle her and watch her favorite k-dramas with her. Hongjoong will do whatever he can to make her smile at least once and he won't leave her side until he is sure she is feeling better.

Seonghwa: Nari is his child, his little sister. He hates to see any of his members struggling or crying, but even more so with Nari. We all know he is an empathetic person by nature, and he can almost feel her pain as much as she can. He will wrap in his arms and press her head against his chest and run his fingers through her hair. He will so whatever he can to offer her a sense of safety and comfort. He won't force her to talk about it but will always be there to listen when she is ready too.

Yunho: He also hates seeing any of his members struggling and does whatever he can to cheer them up. He is happy to aegyo for Nari when she is crying until she laughs or cringes. He is not one to lay around and coddle her, but he will more than likely force her to get up, get dressed and take her out. If it means that he needs to twerk on her or start a random dance party to distract her for a little while, he will gladly oblige. He will not force her to talk about it but will always be there when and if she is ready too and offer any advice he can.

Yeosang: They are not the closest of the members and they are constantly getting on the others nerves but that doesn't mean he likes to see her upset. He is the most awkward in these situations, not really knowing how to comfort Nari or what she needs in that moment. However, he will not leave her to her own devices. He will sit there silently, letting her cry it out just so she knows she is not alone and that he is there if she needs him. He'll bring her chicken and try to cheer her up with food because that's what makes him happiest. He won't really know what to say and skin ship is not something he does often, but he will hug her and hold her if he feels like it's what she needs in that moment.

San: This little nugget hates seeing anyone upset, but especially Nari. He knows that she has been through so much in her life and doesn't have a large support system. He is so grateful for all the times she has comforted him while he was upset, and he wastes no time in repaying her for it. He'll cuddle her, tell her stupid jokes, even give her Shiber to cuddle with until she feels better. He'll constantly tell her how important she is to him and how much he appreciates everything she does for him and the group. He won't waste a second in pointing out all her strengths and everything he admires about her. God forbid if he found out who made her upset because there will be hell to pay. He doesn't take Nari for granted and he will not allow anyone to walk all over her or make her feel less than herself. In his eyes she is absolutely perfect, and he will not stand to see tear tracks down her cheeks.

Mingi: As mood maker of the group, he feels obligated to cheer Nari up. He also wants too; he likes and misses his partner in crime. He'll jump around and act crazy, doing anything and everything to make her laugh and smile. Like Yunho, he won't just lay around and let her cry it out. He'll take her out to the park and just act like little kids again for a few hours. It usually works to help cheer her up and in no time, she is acting just as crazy as he is.

Wooyoung: He is also and awkward bean when it comes to Nari crying. He sees Nari as his equal so much that it shocks him when she's so upset that she cries. Usually, Nari is able to mask her emotions pretty well or handle it on her own and rarely likes to be coddled. He is her hype man through anything and he will continue to tell her how gorgeous, amazing and beautiful she is. He'll go through their concept photos and point out all her perfections and completely disregard any flaws she points out. He is another on that will bring hell on the one who made her upset.

Jongho: Nari is his noona and constantly babying him so when she's upset, he is more than happy to baby her right back. He'll rock her small frame in his arms, kiss her head and tell her sweet nothings into her ear. He'll definitely be the first one to force out what happened and who made her so upset because he will be the first member to go and break someone's nose for her. He does not take kindly to his gently, lively, and hyperactive noona being so upset she can't even get out of bed. He would be more concerned figuring out the root of the problem and putting and end to it more than comforting her.

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