Anger Pt. 2

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ATEEZ's first fight

Before Hongjoong even had a chance to yell more than just her name, Yeosang and San were by her side. "Oh my god!"


"How bad does it hurt?"

"Do you need anything?"

"What did the doctor the doctor say?"

They were firing off questions, making Nari dizzy. "Don't coddle her. It's her own fault." Seonghwa snorted. Nari glared at him. "You're damn right it's your fault! We have a comeback in a few weeks, Nari! This is going to take months to heal! What were you thinking?!" Hongjoong had broken through the two boys crowding her. Nari fixed her narrowed eyes from Seonghwa to Hongjoong. "I didn't ask for this to happen," she retorted the words she said a few minutes earlier. Hongjoong narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know who you think you're giving this attitude too. We have weeks to change the choreography without you in it! WEEKS, NARI. And what about flying?! Can you even fly?! You can't even walk! Do you know how much this screws up all the preparations?!" Nari felt the tears coming back to her eyes. "We're just worried, Nari. We were worried." Yeosang said. "Mingi and Jongho, come with me. I think we're going to need some coffee." Yunho said, ushering the two out of the room. "Worried is an understatement. I almost had a panic attack! And now all this extra stress to change EVERYTHING." Hongjoong continued. "Oppa, shut up. I don't want to hear it." Nari was tired. She was in pain and frankly, she was done being told how she just apparently screwed up not only her own career, but everyone else's.

"Don't you start that, Kim Nari! I know one of them told you to stop and I know you didn't listen. Why can't you listen?!" Nari couldn't even respond to that one; it was true after all. If she had just listened to Seonghwa when he said it was time to leave, she wouldn't be laying here right now. Yeosang narrowed his eyes. "You idiot! Why can't you just listen for once?! They probably noticed something was off and you were ignoring it!" Nari glared at Yeosang. This she was used too, but she was already hurting enough. "Shut up, Yeosang." Yeosang glared before San jumped in between them. "Yah! Stop! All of you! What's done is done, it can't be changed. She didn't mean for this to happen, no one did. Cut her some slack. She was only trying to improve for the group." Wooyoung jumped up, standing next to San and the two acting like a barrier around Nari.

"Exactly! I know everyone was worried and scared, but she's okay. She's breathing and talking." Wooyoung said and Hongjoong glared at him. "SHE'S OKAY?! HER GODDAMN KNEE IS BROKEN." Nari shrunk at Hongjoong's voice and she was honestly surprised no one had come in to complain. "Hyung, calm down." Wooyoung said but now it was 3 against 2. "CALM DOWN?! Do you two even comprehend how much extra work we have to do now?! She just messed up everything!" Hongjoong said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Nari was done. Hot tears were falling down her face. "ENOUGH." Everyone in the room winced at her voice. She never yells.

"If I screw up so much and cause you so much stress then I'll just resign from the group, okay?! Would that make you all happy?! No more worrying about poor Kim Nari. No more worrying if I'm listening to my body or wondering if I'm gonna have a panic attack. None of it. Fine. Tell manager." Yunho, Jongho and Mingi were frozen at the doorway and the other 5 were now staring at Nari with wide eyes; any traces of anger gone. "N-Nari, that's not, that's no-" Nari cut Yeosang off. "GET OUT! I WANT EVERYONE GONE!" She started sobbing, throwing the pillow over her face. No one moved. She removed her pillow and cried harder. "I said to leave," her voice was weak. She was breaking and Seonghwa, Hongjoong and Yeosang knew it was their fault.

"Nari, little dove," Yunho said gently, coming to sit at the end of the bed. "Please don't do this. This isn't what any of us want. We need you, Kim Nari." He grabbed her hand but she didn't grab back. "Please, oppa, just leave." Mingi turned to the three at fault, glaring. Mingi was scary when mad. "We're going to get her discharge stuff sorted out. You three better fix this before we're back." He rounded up everyone and left the room, slamming the door. No one knew who should approach the sobbing figure in front of them first. Seonghwa's heart was breaking with every sob she let out and he couldn't take it anymore. He went to the bed, wrapping her in his arms and holding her head against his chest. "Nari, baby. I didn't mean it. I was just worried. Very worried. Calm down for me, love. I'm sorry. I don't want you gone; I want you here, with us."

Nari sobbed harder, bunching up his shirt in her fists. Seonghwa tightened his grip and Yeosang came behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her back. "Nar, you know we would never want you to leave. Ever. We were just worried. We seriously thought you were on your deathbed." Nari bunched Seonghwa's shirt tighter. Finally, Hongjoong joined them, rubbing her good leg. "Nari, all of you cause me stress just like I cause you all stress. We've been working so hard, we're all tired and I let my worry turn to anger. I'm sorry; I know it's not your fault. We know it's not." Nari wrapped her arms around Seonghwa. "I'm so sorry. I should've just listened, I'll listen better. I'm so sorry." Seonghwa shushed her, kissing her head and Yeosang let her hair down, running his fingers through it.

"We love you, Kim Nari. Forever and always." Hongjoong said, kissing her temple. "I love you, too. All of you." Her sobs had turned to sniffles and she was more calm, happy they had made up and she didn't have to leave. "I always say it, but I mean it now more than ever," Nari sat back, looking at the three pairs of eyes. "You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not." Seonghwa chuckled, taking her hand and squeezing it. "I think we realized that when you first walked into the practice room." Nari giggled a little. "That's more like it!" Mingi said, clapping his hands together. "If this happens again, I'm cancelling the comeback." He said and Hongjoong snorted. Yunho walked up to Nari's bed with a wheelchair in tow. "Let's go home, dove."

He helped Nari into the chair and Jongho excitedly offered to push her. "You're almost like a transformer, Noona." Nari giggled, shaking her head. "Or we can pretend you're special and enter you into the special Olympics." Yeosang said, causing Wooyoung to stifle a laugh. "Yah! Kang Yeosang! Wait until I'm out of this chair." Nari said, glaring at him.

"He has a few months to hide." Yunho said and Nari plastered a smirk to her face. "I appoint Yeosang as my personal servant until I'm out of the chair." Yeosang narrowed his eyes and Mingi clapped a hand on his back.

"Sounds perfect!"

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