Where Is She?

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The boys come home and find Nari gone

Hongjoong and Seonghwa were lazily chatting in their room. They had just gotten done speaking to Nari. "I'm happy she's being so positive about this." Seonghwa said and Hongjoong hummed. "She's growing up, Hwa."

Seonghwa grunted. "Do you think they'll be okay? Even if it's not the outcome she's hoping for?" Hongjoong was quiet for a moment, considering everything before answering. "Honestly? I think at first it's gonna be rough. For the both of 'em. But time heals all, hyung. It'll be back to normal before we know it."

Seonghwa hummed, not saying anything. They heard the rest of the boys slowly coming back one by one. Both of the older boys were happy that Nari roomed with them; at least it wouldn't be until they sat down to eat that they'd notice she wasn't here. They hoped.

San walked in, exhausted and tired. But he tensed up as soon as he entered the dorm. Something was off. He could feel it. And Nari's shoes were missing. He looked around at the others but they seemed fine. "San-ah, come sit and play games with us." Wooyoung called and he did, trying to forget everything about Nari.

He was more mad and disappointed in himself right now. He knew he blew up for no reason. He was well aware that his reaction had been childish and his behavior the past few days had been immature. But he couldn't change who he was. It may not be talked about often and he doesn't bring it up except when he's feeling especially down, but his self-confidence is not there.

He's insecure, especially when it comes to Nari. She's beautiful and anyone in the world could tell you that. She may be half foreign but she had that "Korean standard" that everyone seemed to talk about all the time. He knew there was plenty of other males, and probably even girls, that were better than him. Better looking, better skilled, not as jealous or insecure. And that's what scared him.

Did he truly believe those articles when they came out? Not at all. He knew—just like everyone else in the world—that Dispatch information couldn't be trusted all the time. They were just around for views and stirring up drama. But his insecurities won over that rational side.

Mark was older. Mark had been in the industry longer. They both lived in America for a while; something they had in common and something that San couldn't relate to. Mark was good looking and San could admit if he was into guys, Mark would be someone he'd have a crush on.

Mark was able to teach her cool tricks and flips. They could talk in other languages together while San struggled with just English. While San knew Nari wasn't the type of person to go for money, Mark had that. Much more than any of them did. He could give her a lot of things that San can't at this point. So, his insecurities won and he acted childish.

He had calmed down enough to realize that. And now all he wanted to do was talk to her, hear her side, hear what happened. While he didn't think Nari was one to cheat, if that was case, he could be a big boy now and suck it up. He'd be hurt, but he'd move on and he'd still be happy for her as long as she was happy. "Earth to San!" Yunho shouted and San jumped, pulled from his thoughts.

"You literally just died five times in a row. What's wrong with you!?" The others were furiously focused on the game and San sighed, placing the controller down and standing up. "I'm gonna talk to Nari." Yeosang snorted and San winced. While he appreciated Yeosang having his back, Nari was his member too. His family too. He never wanted anyone to pick a side. "Good luck with that."

San just sighed, walking towards her room and knocking. He heard Seonghwa say a quiet 'come in' and he entered. His eyes searched for Nari and his body tensed up again at no sight of her. "Where is she?" He asked quietly. He briefly caught the glance that Hongjoong and Seonghwa shared and he felt his anger flare up.

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