Late Nights

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Some San and Nari fluff

San groaned; upset he had woken up. Unfortunately, his body couldn't seem to understand that he would rather wait until he woke up in the morning to use the restroom rather than in the middle of the night. He made his way down his and Yunho's shared bunk, being as quiet as possible as to not wake up the sleeping giant beneath him. He tiptoed out of the room and into the bathroom, doing what he needed to and then walking out to head back to sleep.

A sliver of light coming from the living area caught his attention. He looked at the light, confused. It was late and everyone had gone to bed. Worried that one of his members was having troubles, he rubbed his eyes and made his way towards the light. However, when he entered the room he almost started laughing loudly. On the couch, in one of Yunho's oversized sweaters, was Nari. The sweater was like a robe on her because of how short she was. She had her knees and legs tucked under the material.

Her black, thick glasses that she never wore when they were going out in public sat on her nose. She was very focused on her notebook in her lap, scribbling and crossing things out and mumbling to herself. Her tongue was sticking out of her mouth a little. Her black hair that she usually let hang loosely over her shoulders was up in a messy bun and she had few stray hairs sticking out here and there. Her brown orbs were zoned in on whatever she was writing, not even registering that someone else was in the room with her.

San took a minute and just looked at her and smiled. It wasn't the first time he found Nari like this. The first time he saw her sitting up and scribbling in her notebook he thought something was terribly wrong. However, he was terribly wrong. When she gets into the grove of writing lyrics, she blocks out everything around her and is only focused on that. He also knew that they had an early meeting and Nari tended to lose track of time when she got into these moments of creativeness. "You know someone could walk right in here and take us all and you would never have even known." San said, chuckling when Nari practically falls off the couch.

"San-oppa! You scared the living hell out of me," she said, placing her hand on her heart. "Language, love." He scolded lovingly, walking over and sitting down next to her. "Whatcha writing?" He asked, laying his cheek on her shoulder and peering down into her notebook. The pages were filled with plenty of scribbles and jumbles of words that San was just too tired to read at the moment. Whatever it was though, he knew it was going to be amazing.

"Just some lyrics. Hopefully they'll use some for our new album!" She said excitedly, writing down a few more things and San saw her getting back into the zone again. He wanted nothing more than just to stay on her shoulder. He was tired and her shoulder was comfy. Not to mention all the boys loved watching Nari when she got incredibly serious about her work. She almost turned into the leader, barking orders and distributing lines. Almost. San also wanted to lay in his bed, with his blanket and pillow. He gently lifted the notebook out of her lap and grasp and placed it on the couch beside them, sitting up and yawning.

"Nari, I know you love to work, and god knows that I love watching you work, but you need sleep. We practiced for almost 18 hours today. We have an early meeting and it's well past 1 in the morning right now." San said and Nari yawned, smiling. "Or we could just sleep here, on the couch and not move. I'm too tired." San whined, but obliged. "Fine. But I'm getting MY blanket and MY pillow, and you can't use them." Nari giggled, already planning on how she was going to overtake the pillow. San ran and grabbed his stuff, making his way back to the living area.

He wrapped the blanket around him and her, grumbling how she was lucky she was small and didn't hog the blankets. He purposely bunched up his pillow so she couldn't use it and she pouted. "I need to lay my head on something, oppa. Share your pillow!" San narrowed his eyes, shaking his head. "No." Nari stood up on the couch, hands on her hips and glaring down at San. San couldn't help but laugh. "You're adorable when you're mad." Nari grumbled laying back down and then started tickling him to which he twisted and turned and she ripped the pillow out from under him. "HA!" San rolled his eyes, laying the pillow out so they could both use it.

They both fell asleep, one of San's arms draping over Nari's stomach and Nari leaning her forehead against San's. When the rest of the members woke up to get ready, they couldn't help but gush at the sleeping pair. "Nari was probably up to the crack of dawn writing lyrics again," Hongjoong said, nodding towards the notebook that had been kicked to the ground during the night. "Who wants to wake them up to get ready? We have to leave soon." Jongho said, averting eye contact. No way in hell he was even going to attempt to wake them up. Sleeping is something all the members love to do, but none more than Nari and San. Trying to wake them or disturbing it, you're just asking to get kicked or a shoe thrown at your head.

"NOT IT!" Wooyoung yelled, sprinting back to his room and dragging Yeosang with him. Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Jongho quickly followed behind and Yunho groaned. "They're going to kill me! Absolutely kill me!" Hongjoong laughed, "shoulda ran faster, pabo." Yunho groaned again, hesitantly making his way to his members and praying to whatever higher power that he would get away without injury. "Better move fast, Yunho-hyung! They only have 15 minutes to get ready and Nari is going to be angry!" Jongho said, laughing. Yunho groaned again. "I guess there is no God."

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