Framed [Chan]

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She kept her head down as the scrutinizing gazes pierced into her skull. At a different type of situation, she would have been laughing or smiling with the attention of handsome boys but right then, she was considering murder for accusing her of wrong doings.

"I am telling you for the 4th time, it was not me." she said, tone defeated.

"Maybe she's telling the truth..." the youngest whispered towards his leader.

The leader fell silent for a few seconds until the girl had enough of it.

"For fuck's sake, I was looking for the bathroom! I have no intention of messing with anyone. I'm not an asshole!" she paused, making eye-contact with the pale boy with dimples, "You're the asshole. Dragging me around without any consent and just talking shit-"

The boys let out a gasp when the girl grabbed their leader by the collar, eyeing him menacingly. The boy before her had a surprise glint to his eyes with the sudden hostile move. Shocked washed over his features before swiftly putting on a resting bitch face.

"Let me go and I'll spare your pretty face."

Crap. Adrenaline, what the fuck are you doing?!

A smirk laid on his lips and she cocked an eyebrow at the bizarre reaction.

"You're proving me right. Your hostility says it all."

The grip on his collar loosen immediately and she let out a frustrated scream, burying her face on the couch. The boys kept watching as she trashed around like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Oh please! Lord, just do me a favour and take my soul right now. All I get from trying to find a toilet is being accused of something I didn't do and this dude in front of me doesn't believe me. AH, HELP ME!" she rambled into the soft cushions.

The boy with dark blue hair and chubby cheeks turned to his friend, "Chan, I don't think she's guilty..." he scratched the back of his neck, feeling bad for the girl who's still cussing into the couch.

Hyunjin piped in, "He's right. Besides, we didn't have concrete proof that it was her doing."

The leader looked at them in disbelief, "I am not going to let someone who could potentially be Jeongin's attacker go just like that."

He stood up from his chair and pointed to the girl, "Unless the real culprit was caught then I'll believe that she's innocent."

He was adamant with his decision but then their security brought in a disheveled looking man with a smug look on his face.

"We caught him lurking in the bathroom, trying to hide this." he said, showing off a plastic bag containing some firecrackers, marbles and surprisingly a small pocket knife.

The boys including the leader fell silent, heads simultaneously turning towards the girl who was slowly getting up from the couch.

"So you're behind this..." she trailed off, rolling up her sleeves as a sinister smile played on her lips.

Taking small steps, everyone in the room was quitely watching her every movement.

"Because of you I got detained here by this asshole." she gestured to the boy behind her.

"And you actually have the decency to hurt a child?" she spat, disgusted.

The said child blushed at the mention of him, hiding behind his older friends. The girl noticed his uncomfortable state and glared at the man upfront.

The man let out a maniacal laugh, "Oh sweetheart, he dese-"

Deserve it? Fuck you.

Before he could even finish his sentences, the security guards back away from the deranged girl as she tackled the man to the ground, attempting to take his head apart from his body.

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