Stay [Changbin]

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The girl walked along the shore as her head was filled with thoughts and questions.

Her eyes fell to the pearl in her hand as she tried to remember what had happened and who the pearl belonged to.

Hearing urgent footsteps from behind, she turned around to see her classmate, Seungmin. The boy who was beside her when she woke up in the hospital.

"What's wrong, Seungmin?" she asked, confused as to why he was panicking.

"I haven't been honest with you and... I need to tell you the truth and what actually happened."


The girl jolted up from her slumber as she glanced at her digital clock on her side table.

The red light glaring back at her as it displayed the time.

2:30 A.M.

She sighed tiredly, falling back to her bed as she fiddled around, trying to fall asleep, again.

It has been two weeks that the same dream happened, waking her up from her deep sleep every morning. She didn't know exactly the reason why but it got her thinking from time to time.

How did the same dream, same scene kept replaying over and over? Not to forget, every time she woke up, her clock displayed the time, 2:30 A.M.

She felt a sense of déjàvu every time the event occurred.

She was mostly curious about the man appeared in her dreams the most.

Who was he?


By the time she got some sleep, her alarm blared across the room as the ray of sunshine peeked through her blinds, glimmering on her eyes.

Groaning in annoyance, she sat up on the bed grumpily and checked her phone for any notifications.

Please be informed our lecture is starting earlier today at 8.

Glancing at the time, she gasped in shock and make a quick run to the bathroom to do her necessary daily routine. A quick face wash, a rather violent tooth-brushing and a quick visit to the running water of the shower.

Finishing her messy daily routine, she threw on some oversized hoodie and jeans. Slipping on the random thrown socks that she found on the floor, she then put on her almost worn-out converses as she grabbed her bag from the couch and ran out of the door.

Today is really not my day.

The bus stand was already full of people and her heartbeat kept increasing as she panics. Deciding that it would be a waste of time, she took off running towards the road to her college.

As she was running for her life, her eyes went back and forth to the road ahead of her and to her phone to keep track of time.

Crap! 15 minutes left!

Just as the gates were in her sight, a sudden force pushed her backwards and she fell to the ground, hard.

Her eyes widened when she realized it fell off.

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry!" the boy before her kept saying but she didn't hear it nor she looked at him.

Painfully getting up to her feet, she ignored his panic speech and went passed him.

She made it just in time and she fell to her seat, fatigue from the running and pain she experienced just a few seconds ago.

Recollecting her breath, she frowned upon remembering what she had lost.

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