Christmas Special #3 [Changbin]

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A wish that I never wanted.

White. The colour he always admired during the time of the year. The boy watched silently as the snow fall outside his window, piling on the road.

It was his favourite holiday to celebrate but that day, everything around him was a mundane atmosphere. The snow he used to love now was something that he hate. Memories buried underneath the cold weather started to crawl out of the thick snow.

The scary sounds started to come back to his mind, making him cover his ears, trying to block everything.

The snow where she stood, listening to him as he told her hurtful words. But she still managed to put a smile on. Slowly, she nodded, turning on her heel before walking away with small steps, as if waiting for him to do something but he did nothing and left with a heavy heart.

This is for the best...


"Please, I really don't want to get out." the boy pleaded, holding onto his sheet.

"C'mon it's been so long since you go out in this weather. We haven't spend much time together playing with the snow." his little brother whined, pulling onto the duvet.

Changbin stilled in place as his heart wrenches at the mention of snow.

"If you want to get out, then just you. I don't want to get out." his voice came out stern this time causing the tug of war to cease.

"Why are you so scared of the outside world?!" the younger boy finally exploded.

Changbin sat up from his bed, eyes glaring at the younger boy as if warning him to stop but he didn't, wanting to know what scared him so much.

"You want an explanation? Here's one. I killed someone out in the snow."

With his answer, the latter was left speechless, thinking that he was joking but the serious glint in Changbin said otherwise. He expected the younger boy to leave immediately but to his surprise, he sat down on the edge of the bed, face contorted into a serious one.

"I know who you are as a person, you wouldn't do such things. So, explain to me what actually happened?"

Silence enveloped the room as he waited patiently for any type of response from the latter. Changbin's eyebrows furrowed. He really didn't want to dig up the bittersweet memories to remember, he wanted to forgot badly but it seemed impossible.

Maybe, just by telling someone could help me to finally move on...

"I regret that I ever make that wish..."


She was beautiful like the first snow fall. The colour of her eyes were the crystal blue like the icicles forming on the dead branches, captivating his attention when he first saw them, emitting warmth and liveliness. Her skin and hair were white as the snow. He knew the first time he landed his eyes on her, she wasn't an ordinary human being.

What seemed like a lifeless soul had a pinkish coloured lips, accentuating her pretty pout of a smile as her voice was smooth and silky like the soft breeze of the cold weather.

"What brings a human like you to a place like this?"

The first ever interaction they had brought a lot of question to the curious boy, wanting to know what her presence meant.

After secretly meeting up with each other, becoming acquaintances at such a short time, they started to become closer without them realizing.

However, due to the boy's incessant disappearance, one started to become suspicious and aware of his whereabouts.

One curiosity led to another and the secret was on the verge to burst but luckily, the boy caught on.

He decided to finally stop meeting her, causing misunderstandings and a very heavy heart.

"Why did you stop visiting me?"

She asked when she appeared in front of him, near the forest where they usually meet.

He was tongue-tied whether to be selfish so that she would stay but he thought for a long while to decide his actions.

"Because I hate you."

Her facial expressions remained stoic as she waited for his upcoming words.

"You are a weirdo."

You are beautiful.

"You are scary."

You are not.

"You scare me so much. I thought you're going to make one of your victims."


"Isn't that what you are? You probably lure people into the forest to befriend them just to kill them later to make them as your meal."

Instead of her getting angry, she smiled at his words, surprising him.

Why was she smiling?

That's when he realized, she knew... She understand what had happened. She knew the boy was just looking out for her and there was a little greed of hers wishing the boy to stay but in the end, he left her like everyone else.

Later, she's the one who left him alone.

I wish that you're safe and sound... I don't want you to be hurt...

He soon regretted everything that he had wished after finding her body tied up in the middle of the village, dead and cold.

He felt like he was punished for ignoring her, hurting her... Knowing her existence.

Her once pale features had turned blue along with her pink lips. Her eyes that seemed to be lively before has now even lost its captivating gaze as it stare up in the sky as if she was awaiting her death. The snow that he used to love now tinted red as she bled, body limp from the loss of blood.

Villagers were not fond of her beauty, scared of her uniqueness that they decided her presence was a threat and she must be eliminated. Her body was treated like trash right after, the sight wrenched his heart in disgust at their violence.

She didn't deserve such treatments...

At night, he snuck out to meet her dead body to give her a proper burial and to say his final goodbyes. Eyes watering as he did so. The snow came down quickly, covering her grave with white. The beautiful white like herself.

I'm sorry...

It was because of him that they knew her presence. It was because of him they knew her location. He had killed her.


The tears were violently cascading down his cheeks as he told the story to his brother.

"I wish I could just tell her that I'm sorry for saying those hurtful words. I wish that... Our last conversation wasn't like that. I- I hated myself for that."

Arms wrapped around his shaking figure, the boy cried his eyes out as his younger brother kept muttering comforting words but it was impossible for him to be persuaded.

The guilt was eating him up. He wanted to hear her voice once again... Hearing her say that she's happier to let him know that she was okay but... It was already too late for that.



A/N: it's already past Christmas here but meh, i'm just gonna post the remaining special chapters soon 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways, stay safe and have a great day ahead of you 😊

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