Roomies [Felix]

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"Hey, Felix. Can you help close the door? It's cold." the girl asked without looking up from her book.

"Yeah, sure." That was his response.

But after a few seconds, she still felt the coldness from the other room. Finally looking up, she saw the door was still wide open.

"Hello?" she called out to him.

He looked up from his phone and his eyes simply stared at hers.

"You said you would close the door." she pointed to it.

Felix gave her a smile, "I did but doesn't mean that I would actually do it."


The pencil in her grip snapped in half as her eye twitched in anger.

"You have 3 seconds." she warned.

That would sum up of how their relationship worked.

She wouldn't consider him as a friend, rather just an acquaintance. They ended up as roommates after some incident with her old roommate. Long story short, her past roommate violated a rule of hers and she ended up breaking a bone... Or five.

But to her surprise, she hasn't got her fist to meet Felix. Yet. That's if he pushed her buttons to the limit.


However, as months passed by, they grew more comfortable with one another and she hate to admit it, he's a great friend, although, he was annoying at times, she found him a great company.

But never did she know that she will eventually fall into a scary dark abyss which she called her emotions of feeling love.


It was another ordinary day with the girl chasing after her roommate down the stairs as they raced for the front door. It was normal for them to have a race because they like to make everything a game since they're both competitive even if it was such a stupid thing to fight for.

They ended up hitting their own foreheads on the door when they both reached for the doorknob in unison. Taking advantage, the girl pushed him out of her way and got out first and she screamed in victory as the cold air hit her skin.

Felix grudgingly strides behind her, sulking because of his loss. The girl stuck her tongue out at him to annoy him further and started walking towards the direction of the convenience store.

He rolled his eyes and followed suit behind her.


"Okay, so what do we need?" she asked as they entered the building.

He took out a list from his pocket and frowned.

"Dude, are you sure we're able to pay for all of this? This is- too many needs." he questioned worriedly as his eyes glued to the paper.

She waved him off, laughing at him for being a worry wart.

"It's fine. Trust me." she assured him but his face was still painted with a worried look.

Following her every order, the cart was now full of the food they jotted down in the list. Felix felt adrenaline pumping in his veins as his heart beat in panic.

Felix gave another tug on her arm before checking out, "Are you sure?"

She sighed and pulled his hand away from her sleeves.

"I told you it's fine." she insisted.

That's when he saw it, the reason why she was confident that they could pay for their worth of food for the month.

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