Secret [Seungmin]

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The door slammed shut behind the boy and the girl watched in silence as he locked himself up in the room. A sigh naturally left her lips as this has become a routine. She really wanted to talk it out with him but knowing her boyfriend, he always kept things to himself, not wanting to tell her his worries.

Despite being together for already a year, he never really shared his problems with her, it's not that he despised the idea, it's the fact that it could be a burden to herself that disturbed him the most.

Unbeknownst to him, his girlfriend was willing to listen, to help to alleviate the feelings of worry from consuming him too much. Just by doing nothing also made herself worry. But she was afraid. Worried that he might hate her for being like this. Putting a smile on was her response to him when he neglected the burden on his shoulders, acting as if everything was fine. She couldn't let her mouth speak out, leaving the comforting words lingering on the tip of her tongue.

And during times like this, whenever he shuts her off, she would go out when it's raining, to let out her frustration and worries, screaming into the loud background as the rain enveloped her words, drowning it under its surface. It was kind of relieving at first but from time to time, she got even more frustrated.

It became unhealthy that she always let it out in the rain, hoping for it to actually leave the unsettling feelings out but deep down, she knew it was useless. The void in her heart remained unfilled with warmth, only the unsaid words and concerns were left behind.

Courage and a sincere heart were finally brought in during a conversation, what she expected never happened. Instead, voices went an octave higher, anger laced within them and more misunderstandings commenced. Unwanted words left each other's lips and individuals' hearts left to be broken.

Tension filled the air and the two decided to part ways for a while, to take a break from each other. Hours become days and a week approached. Without each other, they felt alone in the small world. They were getting tired of the same cycle, no warmth on the bed every morning they woke up, no laughter, no conversation, no attempts of persuading each other and no happiness; no matter how they tried to distract themselves from everything that has happened.

Thinking back to their own argument made them realize how stupid they are, suppressing things that shouldn't be hidden, no proper communication made. Only egoistical and a stubborn mindset that triggered an alternative thought, which led to an unknown universe where only harsh words and anger exchanged in between the two. Starting with a dumb secret and pretending to be fine were their mistake in the entire situation.

They have had enough and made a way out of their confined spaces to follow their hearts, running in the mid-day to locate each other's presence under the heavy rain. The day was longer than they had anticipated, shoes still grinding against the hard ground as they walked around, listening to their heavy hearts in hopes to end their cold war.

The moment their eyes landed on each other, time stopped. It was only the two of them, standing few metres apart, the bystanders that lingered in the background magically turned invisible. In each other's visions, the sight of their reflections staring back at each other made them frozen in place. Two broken pieces staring at each other as they slowly started to mend in their place.

The boy, hair dishevelled, clothes remained dry, finally felt relieved. Taking few steps forward, the hold against his umbrella loosened and the two run towards each other. The rain came crashing down on him immediately, soaking up his clothes but he didn't care. The girl was pulled into his embrace as he wrapped a jacket around her, simply hugging the smaller frame to his heart's content.

A sob resonated in the air and the hug tightened, the girl finally let out her frustration, hitting his chest with all her strength, muttering the unsaid words and he just listened, heart clenching at her confession. It was finally clear to him.

Parting away from the hug, he kept her close as they stare into each other's glistening eyes, the feeling of worry finally left her system as she saw the real him, the vulnerable him.

At the falling teardrops, masked by the rain, his calloused hand went up to wipe them off as he let his own cascaded continuously. Cupping her cheek, his stare now emitted with warmth and gratitude, a sincere smile made its way to his face.

Apologies tumbled from both individuals as they finally let each other in completely, sealing their promise with a loving kiss, ignoring others while they basked in each other's presence.



A/N: so I decided to listen to 'Secret Secret' and suddenly a scene played in my head where my non-existent significant other being all lovely towards me as written above :') Does this even make sense? 😂 Just writing as my brain goes and challenged myself to not write any dialogues... Idk if I did a great job or not but hope you guys enjoy whatever this was 🤔

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