Christmas Special #4 [Hyunjin]

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Miracles of Christmas.

Putting up the last ornament from the box, the boy brought the little girl in his hold down carefully.

The two looked up at the decorated christmas tree with proud smiles on.

"Daddy, can I put another thing on the tree?"

Hyunjin smiled at his daughter, nodding. The girl took off running excitedly as he sat down, watching her disappearing into her room.

Hyunjin let out a sigh as he was reminded of someone he dearly loved.


The couple had troubles before in conceiving a baby after their marriage, causing anxiousness and insecurity to his wife. He, however, never thought of leaving her as he loved her dearly.

During those times, he had been nothing but a sweetheart, comforting her at her lowest.

"It's okay, baby. We can try again." he rubbed her back softly as the pregnancy test showed a negative result.

After what seems like forever, the results remain the same, making her cry.


He wrapped his arms around her smaller frame, caressing her hair, planting a soft kiss on her temple.

"It's alright, love."

She slowly pulled away from his embrace with tears on her cheeks. The thoughts she had been keeping to herself finally leave her mouth.

"Do you still want to be with m-me? I c-can't even give you a child..." she sobbed.

Hyunjin was heartbroken hearing her words, his hold tightened as he stared into her eyes with a sincere caring glint.

"Love, I know you're not feeling the best right now... But please, don't ever think of me leaving you for whatever reason. I love you for who you are. It doesn't matter how long it will take for us to have a baby, I will wait for years, even. What matters now, please don't think of something that is negative, okay? I don't want you to stress yourself just by these thoughts."

Wiping the tear drop on her cheek, he waited for any response from her. She slowly nodded her head, lips pursed; trying to held in a sob.

The boy pulled her back into his embrace, caressing her hair ever so lovingly.

"I love you, Mirae. You're perfect just the way you are."


They had visited doctors before to check if there was something wrong with any of them but nothing. All of their responses were the same but it didn't convince Mirae since nothing had happened.

But her doubts soon diminished on one fateful night. The couple were sleeping after a tiring day of work, both cuddling in each other's warmth, Hyunjin's arm draped over her waist to keep her close. A sudden wave of nausea hit her system making her wide awake as she made a run to the bathroom. Hyunjin too sleepy to notice until he realize the warmth next to him was gone.

At the absence of his wife from the other side of the bed, he sat up to look for her but an abrupt gagging sounds caught his attention. Hurrying to find the source of the sound, it led him to a bathroom where he found Mirae hovering over the toilet bowl.

"Are you okay?" he came to her aid, holding her hair back, his other hand patting her back.

She only shook her head in response as she felt like vomiting everytime her mouth opened. Seeing her current situation, his sleepy self was long gone as some part of him suddenly put two and two together. Somewhat hopeful and positive and somewhat worried.

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