Insanity [Minho]

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C/W: mention of death.

Bright. No, the lights were blinding. The atmosphere was suffocating.

The ballroom was filled with numerous strangers that the prince looked around awkwardly, not understanding why he needed to attend such things. He should have been happy during his coronation day but instead, deep inside his heart he was cussing out his ill-mannered father for having the ceremony in the beginning. Besides of having him to handle a destined route of his, he had other intentional burden to pass on towards his only son.

Marriage. A bond that to be said full of love and respect but he begs to differ, it was full of sweet talk and fake demeanours. The princesses he had been introduced to never catch his attention as he knew them secretly from his shenanigans from going undercover in the day to visit the village, having a different identity. He saw everything they had done, how they behave... from their stuck-up personality and lack of manners towards the poor people. He hated them.

As they were introduced line after line, he only faked a smile towards them, disgusted by the sheepish smiles to supposedly show off their beauties but he found the trash outside their palace a lot prettier.

He saw his father's eyes glaring at him as if to warn him but he only smirked in silence as he slowly takes careful steps towards one of the ugly princesses.

"Excuse me." he called out in a soft-spoken voice.

The princess couldn't hide her shock expression, smiling widely as if she had achieved the greatest gift when he was on his way to crush the poor soul of hers. His father started to fidget in his seat, watching closely after his son, waiting for his next move.

"Yes, your majesty?"

Minho cringed hearing the purposed, high-pitched voice.

"If I'm not mistaken, you live near District 9. Am I correct?"

She blushed profusely, thinking that he was that interested in her to know such details.

She nodded in response and Minho smiled sinisterly.

"By any chance, do you have a friend named Aeryn?"

The princess' smile fades as her heart picked up its pace.

"Oh wait, no. That's the name of the maiden your mother took in? I heard from several people how she lives around you..." he paused, eyebrow cocking at her, "people."

"We treated her with respect of course..."

The prince chuckled, gaining a lot of attention of the bystanders. What had amused the prince?

He stopped immediately upon feeling stares of others, eyes holding a serious glint.

"Oh really? Never thought her other name was 'whore' or 'ugly'."

With those vulgar words rolling off his tongue, few people collectively gasped.

The princess felt her throat went dry. The prince only let the sinister smile on, provoking her fear further. He merely glance around the cluster of people, the amusement of his just increased upon seeing how fake some of them were being.

"Why so shock? You people are the same as this low-life carpet." he spat, having no mercy insulting the people.

Few people grew quiet at this, knowing that the insult was directed at them, ashamed of being called out for their nasty secret.

His father, already, standing up to his feet as he took long strides towards the prince, anger flaring through his nose. But was he done yet?

Hand gesturing towards the palace door, he turned to the lady before, smile suddenly gone as his eyes stared coldly into her shaking ones, "I suggest for you to leave before things get uglier."

Tears were already streaming down her face as humiliation dawned at her presence, heels clicking onto the ground as she made a run.

"And for all of you so 'well-behaved' people... You think I wouldn't know how you treat people who supposedly not on your level, huh? Funny. Considering you are the lowest of all in humanity." he spoke loudly for everyone to hear.

With the deafening silence, he scoffed at the lack of response. A twirl of his fingers made the guards gathered quickly to serve the new king.

"Escort them out. I don't want anyone to be left behind." he ordered.

The leader of the guards bowed in respect before shouting orders as the sounds of protests now echoing in the air.

The footsteps that he seemed to be expecting finally arrived in front of him and he didn't flinch when a smack across his face was delivered.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Minho laughed half-heartedly at his question, "No. What do you think you're doing?" his eyes flashed in anger for a split second and the older man lowered his hand, snapping himself back to reality.

"I know your intentions, father. I'm not going to marry some sick minded people just for the sake of your happiness."

"I want to see you get married before I pass. Couldn't you even do that in my last moments?"

He scoffed at how his heart suddenly clenched with guilt. He knew of his father's illness, it was not curable, hence, why he was appointed the new king in such a short time. But he had enough of his treatment towards him.

I was just an object...

"I couldn't care less. Why should I make you happy? From the moment when I was born, I was always just a toy for you. For you to brag, for you to insult, for your own entertainment. Why do you think mother took her life?"

His father grew quiet, seeing his son's real feelings for the first time. The guilt he buried long time ago started to crawl back up the surface. Minho let his tears cascaded down for the first time in front of his father, red eyes glaring back into the sadden ones.

"I'm sorry..." he muttered out.

Minho hated that word. He hated it so freaking much.

"If you don't mean it... There's no need to say it. I had enough of lies coming from your mouth."

Turning on his heels, facing the other direction, the young prince stopped in his steps, glancing back at the old man.

"And father... Thank you for this final gift of yours. I'll make sure to be a better king than you."

Before he could leave the scene, his father uttered, "You are going to regret talking like this to me..."

The boy only shook his head as a triumph smile made its way to his lips, "Have a safe trip, father." he mocked and walked away with no feelings of remorse left in him.



A/N: inspired by ITZY's LOCO English Version.

Particularly these lyrics here;

"I keep on going back and forth, its hell then heaven. Pushing me right to the edge of broken."

Originally, my mind went south... And trynna write a 'forbidden love' story kind of thing. But then as I write and write, I like this version so much better than what I had in mind. Decided to left it as an open ending since I really like it being just... Like that.

Stray Kids ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora