Gift [Felix]

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The 14th of February, a day where it's known for lovers to exchange gifts with each other. The day the two have been waiting for since the new year. Not that they never change gifts on a daily basis but other than Valentine's, it was their anniversary. The couple had promised each other to give a good surprise for themselves and excitement was beyond with whatever they felt that time.

It was like any other Mondays, the weather was hot and the atmosphere from everyone was solemn. An exception with the freckled boy who skipped happily along the pavement as he hummed a familiar tune, cheerily as his feet brought him to his usual destination.

His phone beeped as he neared her house causing him to halt in his steps.

Hyebinnie🦋 : hey boo, I'm so sorry, I forgot to tell you I'm already at school... Please, don't be mad 👉🏻👈🏻

Felix pouted and typed in a quick reply before proceeding to make his way towards school, turning away from the house. He found her behaviour quite odd but then he remembered the whole 'surprise' agenda which brought a smile to his face. He had already prepared his part and he can't wait for hers.


Arriving at school, he didn't catch a glimpse of his girlfriend, she was nowhere to be found. When he asked her friends, they all had a surprised look and somewhat frantic.

Can they be more obvious?

"She's in the classroom."

That's all they have to say but with her absence, it made him wonder what kind of surprise she has for him to be this complex... He knew he wouldn't have to worry but some part of him started to feel weird... Not in a good way.

As if his prayers were answered, a text message came in and his heart started to ease up a bit, scolding himself inwardly for being too anxious.

Hyebinnie🦋 : okay, you caught me... I'm not in school hehe... Sorry for making you worry. Don't worry too much about it, yeah? I'm still working on your surprise gift, just a few little more touches and I'll be done and I'll give you the location, okay? 😊

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he saw the word 'location'.

She really went all in for our anniversary this time, huh...

The thought suddenly made him a bit guilty because of how simple his ideas were but then he realized that it's the thought that mattered and knowing his girlfriend, she would appreciate anything given by him.

The school bell finally rung and he sprinted towards his classroom, passing by Hyebin's friend who gave him a rather constipated look which he chose to ignore and enter his classroom, hoping for the day to end quickly as he couldn't wait any longer to embrace his beloved partner into his arms.


It was only lunchbreak but seeing the text from her, he excused himself from his group of friends and went straight to tell the teacher how unwell he felt and due to his charms, his wants were easily granted and he was out of the building in a matter of seconds.

First, go to Levanter valley...

Catching a cab for his journey, he told the driver the whereabouts and he first came across a garden full of roses. An old lady noticed his presence as he looked around in confusion.

"Are you Felix?" she asked politely.

The freckled boy gave her a polite smile, responding a 'yes' and the lady took something from behind her. Handing the item towards him, she gave him a pat on the back, saying how lucky he was to have a such caring girlfriend to which he only smiled before excusing himself back to the cab.

A note was placed in between the flowers and he read the content of the letter with a grin on his face.

Next, where we have our first date...

"To Glow Café please..."

And similar to the old lady from the valley, he was given something by the owner of the place. This time, it was a pack of chocolates. His eyes scanned the item and the same paper used for the notes from the flower greeted his vision. It was neatly stuck on the back of the chocolate packaging.

This is the last one, hehe...😆 Finally, the place where we first met...

Felix felt his lips curved into a smile as he was nearing her. The place where they first met was at the MIA's park nearby her house. He still remembered what had happened that day. Her clumsiness made her presence known loud and clear when she clashed onto someone who was playing on the swings. The after effects of the incident shown on her facials as a constant reminder to him, where she got it and how. The scar, an imperfection to some people but to him it was the most beautiful thing he ever witnessed.

Snapping himself out of his lovesick reverie, he made his way towards the targeted destination, without the help of the nice driver whom he paid extra prior to the pang of guilt in his stomach for taking his time. On foot, he walked careful steps, heart beating rhythmically with every step he took. Heart beat getting louder and louder as he sees a figure sitting on the swings.

As his distance was closing in, the figure in front of him became clear and a deep chuckle escaped his lips seeing her in a bear mascot costume. In her hold was a huge box.

"Are you okay in there?" he questioned, amused and slightly concerned for her well-being.

The bear nodded its head and thrusted the box into his hold rather eagerly.

"Okay, okay. I'll open it."

Lifting the lid of the box opened, silence was engulfing the air. No more laughter escaped his lips as the head of Hyebin stared back at him with its dead eyes. A short scream left his mouth and the box fell onto the ground, sending the head to roll out of the box and touched the ground.

The anonymous masked person let out an eerie laugh as they finally took off their disguise. His eyes widened when familiarity hits him.

It was Hyebin's own best friend, Yemi...

"Do you like your gift?" she giggled, taking a step forward while he backed away, shakingly.


She feigned an offended look, pouting at his words.

"You guys were fighting, remember? You said you wanted her out of sight and I did you a favour..."

Her hand reached out for his but he shoved her away.

He did say those things but the couple had already made up but he never wanted this to happen. He never expected it... Her own best friend going to this extent was unforgiveable. Unbelievable.

Seeing his fleeing figure, she smirked with a knife in hand.

"If you won't accept me... Then neither does the earth... with your existence..."


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