Halloween Special #4 [Hyunjin]

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She didn't know where the others had gone to. She was all alone in the empty house, walking around aimlessly, trying to film as much as she could for her next video idea.

The stairs creaked underneath her feet as she made her way upstairs to the dark hallway of the upper floor. It was oddly colder upstairs and she shivered upon the change of atmosphere. To her disappointment, there were no sight of her friends.

Her eyes unconsciously stared at a door on her left, it was as if something was calling her. Feet suddenly moving towards the door, the door swung opened with a loud creak. It was a dark room, filled with a lot of antique furniture.

Then her eyes landed on the black framed mirror upfront. She took few steps forward and she stared at her reflection in wonder. But what caught her off guard, the reflection that stared back into her was not even her face. Instead, a boy was staring into her eyes and soul, he was one of the most beautiful people she had seen. Long dark hair, a mole underneath his eye and a dimple on the side of his lips as it curved up to a smile, sending shivers down her spine.

"W-who are you?" she stuttered, taking few steps back.

The boy in the mirror opened his mouth, "I am a trapped soul. It has been years since I'm stuck in this mirror... In this house."

He propped his head on his hand, looking at her in hopefulness.

"Not many people dared to come here especially hearing those rumours about a dead boy who died brutally in this house. So, I'm intrigued..." his tone amused.

"What brings you here?"

She wanted to answer so badly but her guts told her to run, to get away from there as far as possible but she didn't listen. She wanted to know what had happened.

"I... I wanted to check if the rumours are true... Do you never try to escape?"

At her question, his eyebrows jumped in surprise, hearing the slight concern in her voice.

"I know a method but it requires a mortal... And I mentioned no one dared to come near me. After seeing me, they ran away before I could ask for help." he shrugged.

She felt sorry for the entity...

"Maybe I can help you?" she suggested hesitantly.

The room went quiet as he stared at her in wonder.

"Are you sure? How can you just trust an entity like me? I could have been lying to you."

A smirk hidden as he heard the girl's persistence of help. Placing his hand onto the surface, he gestured her to come closer.

"Place your hand directly on top of mine." he whispered, eyeing her hand which was a few centimetres away from getting closer towards the barrier.

When her hand was on top of his, a laugh escaped his lips as he pulled the girl into the mirror and she was suck inside the medium. Her camera fell onto the wooden floor. Now, in front of her, the boy stood in the room, looking around in surprise and happiness.

The girl instead was inside the mirror, banging on it, hoping for it to break but to no avail. The boy stood behind the mirror, smiled sinisterly, his face suddenly contorted into hers as he called out for her friends, pretending to be her. Taking the camera along with him, he waved mockingly.

"Thank you for taking my place." he said before leaving her alone in the dark room.



A/N: 🎃Happy Halloween to whoever celebrates it 🎉 and I hope you guys enjoy this drabble :3 anyways, since at my place is a few minutes away to turn into 1st November, I decided to just post 4 of the members special chapters/drabble and continue for the other members for next year's Halloween (maybe) if I feel like it 🤷🏻‍♀️️ anyways, have a great day/night ahead of you 😊

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