Christmas Special #3 [Changbin]

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[Games and giggles.]

Madeline found herself standing at the side of the rink, mouth gaping at the amazing skaters.

Wow, I'm going to break my legs for sure...

She was excited at the idea first when her friend first suggested it but looking back at it, she had second thoughts. How on would she survive skating when she doesn't know shit about skating? The body control and balance. She was the embodiment of clumsy. Whenever she run, walk, breathe, she would encounter such small incidents and she felt really unsafe at the sight of the skaters being too close to each other.

Even with the presence of her bestfriend, she wasn't sure if it's the safest idea.

"Your figure skates won't skate themselves, you know?" a voice interrupted her mess of a mind.

She rolled her eyes at his remark and let out a scoff.

"Oh really now?"

He chuckled and skidded forward with his skates grazing the slippery ground with a distinct sound accompanying him.

She cringed at the sound and backed away a little, legs slightly shaking due to nervousness.

"I'm scared, Changbin. I never skate before and you know how I'm the clumsiest person on Earth. What happens if my skates suddenly fly in the air and slice someone's throat? I'll be in jail! What if-" her rambling were cut off with him pulling her beanie over her face fully.

"Stop rambling and just try." he deadpanned.

She pulled back the beanie to uncover her eyes, pouting at him.

"Fine! But if something happened to me, it's all on you."

He shrugged and impatiently gestured her to skate over. Hesitantly, she tried to extend her footing over the icy surface but then stopped abruptly.

"I can't do it!" she whined.

His expression softened at her panicking state and he took her hands in his, an attempt of calming her down. She felt her feet moving slightly and she let out a small yelp.

"Don't worry. I'll help you." he assured.

She nodded and hold onto his hand tight as he guide her to the ice slowly and carefully.

"Just remain slow and steady." he reminded.

She nodded again in response, mouth shut as her eyes concentrated on the ground.

As she was slowly getting better at balancing herself and feet control, a smile finally made its way to her face.

"Fuck yeah! I'm doing it!" she cheered.

Changbin smiled sheepishly at her enthusiasm.

"Okay, I'm gonna let go of you slowly." he informed.

"Huh? No! Don't let go!" she complained, still holding tight onto his already red hands.

He sighed, "You need to try skating on your own now. Like I said just now, slow and steady, yeah?" he gave her a look and she finally gave in.

"Okay..." he trailed off, creating some distance between the two.

"I'm gonna let go now."

With that, his hands slowly slip off of her grip and she kept her two arms up in front to counter balance.

When she realized she's still standing, she gasped in amazement and to his surprise, she picked up her pace and started skating around like a pro.

"Wow, this is fun!"

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