Halloween Special #3 [Changbin]

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Tricks and treats.

Cinnamon and spice filled the kitchen as she was baking a pumpkin pie for the occasion of Halloween. During that time, a lot of orders came in and she was getting dizzy from going back and forth working on different orders after another.

It was already midnight and she was at the second last batch. She was on the verge of crying, regretting to take that much order during the last minute. After letting the batter relax for a few minutes, she finally heaved out a loud sigh.

"Babe? What are you doing up late?" a raspy voice asked from behind.

The boy seemed to just woke up from his long nap. She turned to him, smiling sadly.

"Baking. A lot of customer's orders." she replied.

The boy fought his sleepiness through, making his way towards the girl, wrapping his arms around her waist, emitting warmth.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I could have help you." he sighed, feeling bad that he had slept through a stressful time.

She smiled gratefully at his words, caressing his hands that rested on her stomach.

"I don't have the heart to do so. You were tired from work."

Placing a kiss on her bare shoulder, he removed his arms away and looked at the messy countertop, receiving a nervous laugh from his girlfriend. He smiled warmly, patting her head.

"I'll help cleaning up. You go rest for a while."

About to protest, he pouted, eyes glinting cutely at her knowing how well that was her weakness. She finally gave in, sitting herself on the kitchen's stool, watching the boy as he started packing up the dirty bowls from her previous batters that are currently in the oven. He seemed determined and focus on his task and her eyes landed on the good amount of flour wasted on the counter. The boy couldn't multitask so he didn't even realize that the girl had gathered the flour in her palm, ready with her prank.

"Changbin~" she called out, cutely and as she predicted, he looked up at her.

"Sorry-" his words cut short when she blew the flour to his face.

His face now covered with white, eyes blinking harshly to not let anymore of the flour to enter, he yelped.


Laughing at his current state, he cleaned his face with water, eyes glaring at the girl as he finished.

"You declare war."

She didn't fully process his words when he threw the remaining flour at her face as retaliation. She gasped in surprise and tried her best to dodge his upcoming attacks. The two ended up having a friendly fight, few giggles left their lips as their mind eases off from work.

"O-okay. We should stop." she wheezed out after some time, admitting defeat.

Right at the moment, the oven dinged and the cakes were done. Taking the cakes out of the oven, she set it onto a cooling rack to let the cake cool down for the time being. A breathe of relief escaped her lips as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Just one more batch and we're done." she muttered.

Changbin played with her hair as they decided to cuddle on the couch, waiting on the final batch to finish their time in the oven. A sudden realization hit her and she looked up at the boy.


He hummed in response amidst braiding her hair.

"Tomorrow I have to deliver this. I might need a hand. Is that okay with you?"

He paused for a second, trying hard to remember his schedule tomorrow. After assuring himself that he was free tomorrow, he agreed to help and a smirk made its way to her face, a plan already on hand for what's happening the next day.


"Uh, is this necessary?" he questioned at his outfit that the girl told him to wear.

He was dressed up as Peter Pan and damn, she didn't regret the choice. The way his short sleeves hugged his biceps... That was a phenomenal touch. She thought it might be a good time for him to finally wear a costume that year since he always rejected the idea of hers, so she lied her way to make him actually wearing it.

'This is a request from our customer since they have a child who loves surprises.'

"Of course, it is. Where's your Halloween spirit?"

The boy shook his head at this, decided to just let it go and went with it. His eyes then scanned her clothing which seemed normal.

"What about yours?"

She waved it off, parking upfront the drive way of their customer's house.

"It's underneath this big jacket. Don't worry about it."

Ignoring his scrutinizing gaze, she reached into the back seat to grab some of the orders and handed it to him.

"This is the place."

Taking the boxes of cake in hand, he carefully went out the car and make his way to the front door. She giggled gleefully, admiring her boyfriend's beautiful structure with the costume. She really love this look on him.

When he entered the car, he noticed the dazed girl, making him slightly flustered.

"What's up?" he laughed nervously.

She snorted, leaning closer to his ears to whisper something that made his ears turned red.

"I would very much love that..." he responded, tucking a hair behind her ear.


Let's just say at that Halloween night, they both got their treats.



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