Chapter 1- online dating?! really?!

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Its been about three months now and no use. My mother insisted that a 25 year old grown woman with one cat and two dogs is not a healthy approach to a relationship.

I joined an OK Cupid just to soothe my mother and her crazy thoughts on marriage at 28.

About a week ago I saw this profile for a man named 'Brian Quinn' who supposedly wore a hat so he didn't wash his hair and whose breath smelled like fingers. This was repulsive especially for a germaphobe like me. I thought what the hell and sent him a message saying I was interested.

I just recently got a notification from him saying that he was from Staten Island and the coincidence was that I lived in Staten Island! We began talking and recently made plans to have dinner in the city, Eleven Madison Park.

I guess now I have to tell my mother and go shopping for a ridiculously expensive and over the top dress with my insane mother to "look my best." Great.

We went shopping for about two hours and my mom decided my money was no object, but hers? Not even in the question. She bought some gaudy dress that I hated from the first look and some expensive black tall nothing shoes. I'm sure he was going to be way less fancy. All I was think was: he's going to hate it.

I guess I had to except the fact that everything I hated came to $3,000 on my debit card. I refused to use my credit card because it was too hard to watch. I hope this is worth it.

Love At No Sightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن