Chapter 16- Work

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I walked into work the next morning with a huge grin. All of a sudden, my grin went away and I knew exactly why. Jessica.

"Rachel!" Her smile was all toothy, which showed the cheap lipstick she bought herself for valentines day.

"Jessica! How are you?" I honestly wasn't sure how much longer I could take being in the same room as her.

"I have a story for you."

"Great! What?"

"You get to do it."

My mouth was ajar, but my brain was completely open to all the thoughts flooding in.

"What? My own story? Like I choose the topic?"

"Thank God you didn't go into rocket science! Or would we big trouble."

She laughed and I wanted to punch her if I wasn't so excited.

"Yes! Yes! And if its good enough, I may even put it near the front, the front is saved for something else you'll see."

"Okay, sure!"

I ran to my office, and I couldn't wait to tell Bessy! Most important, Q.

I texted Bessy the news and got a thumbs up in return.

I had to call Q for this.

Anytime I called him, I would smile because my profile picture is a picture of Q as superman in a cape and superman shirt. It reminded me a little of when we first started dating and talked about comic books all the time.


Q sounded a little groggy, which was weird because we both woke up at the same time, 7. He must had gone back to sleep, I didn't mind much.

"Babe! I get to write my own story and it may go near the front of the paper!"

"That's great babe! What are you going to write about?"

Now he sounded awake and alert.

"I have no idea... I just found out about five minutes ago."

"Well, if you need ideas me and the guys will be by your side 24/7."

"Awe, thanks babe! I love you, I have to get cracking!"

"Love you, too, babe. See you soon."

He hung up before I had a chance to glance down at my phone. Something was going on.

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