Chapter 31- Enjoying LA

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Wow!!! Thank you for all the reads omf! This book is so cappy idk how I got so many people to read it tbh.
I think the last chapter is going to be soon. I'm going to miss this book, it was fun to write and think of all the plot twists and drama.
Ily all!

I walked back into the room after 10 minutes, Q was finally ready in his swim trunks with all his sunblock saying "his paleness wasn't made for the sun."

I decided not to argue, and just gave him as much time as he needed, but realistically I just felt it was taking too long at this point.

We walked out of the house, and Q was about to jump in the car.

"What're you doing?"

"We're going to the beach, aren't we?"

"Well, yeah. But we're walking."

"I can never get a break from New York, huh?" He smiled and I placed my hand out as an offer to assist him getting out of the car.

"Okay, so beach now, lunch at around 3:30, and walking around right after lunch."

"Deal." I could tell Q was only intrested in getting to the beach that he only caught a glimpse of through the window. He was like a kid looking through the window of a candy shop.

When we got to the beach, I took off my shirt, and brought my surfboard from underneath me.

"You coming, babe?" I was already walking to the water without him.

"Um, me and surfboards don't mix."

I laughed and pulled him into the water. It was a little warmer than usual, but still a little chilly.

We laughed and put his hand around my waist and kissed me. I pulled out and smiled, and pulled myself onto the surfboard. I went into the water and heard Q dog whiste, and couldn't help but laugh. I went under water, and when I came up I saw a huge wave coming. I got on my board, stood up, and caught the wave.

I could hear Q screaming my name, I glanced at him and laughed.

All of a sudden, I fell. My board got sucked into the current of the ocean, I couldn't come up. I felt myself struggling for air.

* Q's POV*

My whole body stopped. I swam over to her as fast as I could. I screamed her name.


I rushed underwater and grabbed her, bringing her up. She was unconscious but her pulse was going. I ran to the house carrying her and  brought her to the Jeep and rushed her to the hospital. They took her in, the nurse insisted I had to wait  in the waiting room.

Hope you enjoyed it. I wanted to do one last plot twist :)

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