Chapter 34- Suprise

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this is my last chapter :(
Thank you guys for being so sweet to me since this is my first book and it's probably terrible.
I'm gonna make another and I'm kinda excited but it's a 1D fan fic

So, this chapter is kinda long but its worth it I promise :)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my story!

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The air was cold on my bare leg and my head was off the pillow. What the hell happened last night? My sleeping has never been this wild.

All of a sudden, Q walked in wearing boxers and a shirt under a Kiss the Cook apron.

"What are you wearing?" I couldn't help but smile and chuckle a little. I knew it was his because my dad never cooks and my mom doesn't wear an apron.

"I thought it'd be funny." He smiled and started to stir the bowl inbetween his armpit and bicep that I didn't even notice before.

"What're you making?"

"Come downstairs and you'll see."

We walked down the spiral staircase, I made sure to hold on tight to the railing; I had just gotten used to walked down and up in my cast. Walking down farther and farther the smell from the kitchen was getting stronger.

"Ooh, something smells good." I smiled at him, yet he just looked straight ahead pretending not to hear me, but smiling.

When we walked downstairs, I couldn't help but gasp. All my favorite breakfast foods were set nice and pretty on the table, with my favorite flowers in the middle.

"White roses? Waffles?! Okay, Q. What the hell is going on."

"Can't I just do something nice and unexpected for my amazing girlfriend while we're on vacation?"

"Not without doing something." I gave him a cute smirk and kissed him on the cheek.

"Wait, I have another suprised for you."

"Another surpise?! What is it? An engagement ring?" I laughed at my joke and saw Q state at me for a second than briskly walk to the stove.

"Im kidding, babe. I don't want to rush anything. Please don't freak out."

"Im not freaking out don't be silly. I just forgot what the suprise was."

"So, what is the suprise?"

"Your favorite.... omelette!"

He turned a plate towards me with tomato, green peppers, and turkey bacon.

"And I made sure to put no cheese because of how you hate it so much."

I kissed him on the lips and grabbed the plate from him. He took the plate from me and wraped my arm around his neck and supported me. I hopped back to the table and he sat me down, kissing me on the cheek and placing the plate in front of me.

I also saw waffles, french toast, blueberry muffins, and another omelette for him.

Once he sat down, I looked up at him from my suprisingly amazing omelette.

"Okay, what is all this for?! First, dinner. Then this breakfast?"

"I feel really bad about your leg, so I wanted to do something to make it better."

He then walked over to the island and grabbed me a pill out of the prescribed pill bottle and put it on the table. I downed it with a glass of apple juice and set it on the table as Q was pouring in more.

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