Chapter 7- The Call

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I was on my way to Manhatten, where Q said to meet him. I was about ten minutes away when I got a call from him.



I just loved the way he said my name with his Staten Island accent.

"What going on?"

"We're about to start... Joe and Murr are getting antsy. Where are you?"

"Start babe, its ok. I'll come meet you in about ten minutes away."

"Okay, babe. I love you."

"I love you, too."

I guess he was on speaker phone because I could hear everybody cooing in the background and I couldn't help but smile.

Murr and Joe had to get high fives, and for whoever wouldn't high five them, they had to remove an article of clothing. It was hilarious. I stood off to the side, off camera.

As Joe was taking off his shirt, I felt a buzz in my pocket. Mom.


"Rachel!" Her voice was shaky and she was snifflingy between syllables.

"What going on, mom?"

"Its your father. He had a heart attack."

I dropped my phone and ran as fast as I could. I could feel Q run after me but I didn't have time to stop. My dad needed me!

"What's... Going.... On....?" His little pants would have been adorable if I wasn't having a heart attack myself.

"My dad... He had a heart attack."

I was sobbing and my make up was runny but he didn't care. He came up and hugged me, what I needed.

"I have to go, I love you."

"Be careful, babe. I love you too."

Later as I was driving, Q sent me a text with a selfie of him and Joe.

Hope this makes you feel better.

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