Chapter 6- Work

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I walked into work with a little bit of a limp from falling after I got out of the shower. Perfect. My boss is here.

We're not friends, but she loves to eavesdrop and she heard about my date. Now she's going to ask me about the date, and where the limp is coming from. I don't need this right now.

"Rachel! How are you dear?!"

Her lip stick was stuck on her crooked teeth and on everywhere BUT her lips.

"I'm great! Just hurt myself a little. Nothing too bad."

"A little birdie told me you had a date! True or false?"

"True.... And I think this is really something."

I stopped because I realized I was talking to Jessica. No.

"That's great. So, I'm suspecting the limp is a result of last night....?"

"No no no! I was in the shower this morning and I slipped coming out because I forgot a towel."

"Oh, well, there's a story on 6th street, I want you to cover it and bring it back so we can have something for tommorow paper."

"No problemo."

It ended up to be a kid who found a paperclip regurgitated by his dog, and took him to the vet to see he ate a whole box of them. Five o' clock can't come sooner.

As I was doing the story, I was texting Q the whole time. I had a feeling they were getting agitated with me but I didn't really care.

From: Q

To: Q

From: Q

To: Q

From: Q

I was about to text Q again, but I heard Jessica's voice like a knife in my ears.


"Over here, Jessica."

"What are you doing? The little boy is about to give you an exclusive on what it was like finding out about the dogs incident!"

I rolled my eyes when she walked away and read my last text from Q before that afternoon.

From Q: if your boss is being a real bitch, just come work for us ;)

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