Chapter 21- relaxation and repuatations

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* these are real people, with real wattpad accounts. They have amazing stories, why not check them out?
caniff_emily Qs_crew ily guys*

The next morning, I decided to have a nice peaceful day at the mall with friends. Q was filming, and I had a feeling the guys wouldn't want me to distract him, I decided to use it as me time.

As I was walking from the parking lot, I got a glimpse of blonde hair, it was Jen. Right beside her I saw the familiar long red hair, knowing it was Emily.

I snuck behind them and as they were talking about something random as usual-- something about reggae and a sauce-- I came up and pushed myself playfully in the middle, wrapping my arms around them.

Jen turned around, panick in her eyes, than neutralized by delight. Then Emily turned around, mumbling, "who is this?"

"Ugh. Q and I have been through some weird shit, and I don't feel like talking to Allison right now.... So I thought we could have a girls day."

"That sounds so perfect." Jen flipped her hair, the blonde glistening the sun making me want it even more.

"What happened with you and Q? I hear some shit went down and then yiu forgave him, and then something else happened."

Emily made a quick turn into Hollister, Jen and me following.

"Well, the first time he wanted to keep our relationship a secret, and then I thought he cheated on me but I really just happened to walk in on him and Allison for her play coming up."

Jen picked up a Hawaiian flower crop top with spaghetti straps and a drak blue background, I shook my head no and pointed to the hot pink one instead to match her eyes.

"Have you guys ever seen him?"

"No." Its like they were programmed robots.

I showed them a picture I happened to take of both Q and Sal, and Emily took the phone out of my hand. I was curious in what she was doing next, and she zoomed in on Sal.

"Who's this?"

"Oh that's one of him best friends, Sal. He has four. They have a TV show, you guys should watch it its really funny. I was impressed."

After handing the woman her credit card, Jen turned around and looked at the picture of Sal.

"He's cute, just cute. Can I see the other friends?"

I pulled up a picture of Joe topless next to a statue while Murr posed, in the perfect position for the guys to make fun of him for it.

"Oh my gosh. Who is that!"

I thought Jen was pointing to murr, but instead she was pointing to the topless man next to the bronze statue.

"That's Joe. Don't get too excited. He's dating someone. Bessy. And she happens to be a very good friend."

"Well if Joe ever want to dump her, or gets bored of her, I'm always a text away."

"Hey, you mind just mentioning me to Sal? I think if we dated it could go somewhere."

"Sure! I'll set you guys up. Now, I only have a couple more hours-- I want to suprisee Q on set."

*three hours later*

The guys informed me they were filming in  square, trying to get people to help them with a Spanish text. I walked up to Q, who was getting make up retouches, and hugged him from behind.

"Hey, babe. What's up? How was the mall?"

"Good.... I guess. They really like your friends, that's for sure."

"Ummm..... Is that good or bad?"

I started to laugh, and Q grinned and started into my eyes.

"What? Is there something on me?"

"Yeah. That god damn beautiful face. I can't stop looking at it."

"Awe, babe!"

"Aye, loverbirds! You guys can say stupid pick up lines to each other later, right now we need sweet cheeks here to film!"

Joes accent was so thick, no wonder He  liked him so much.

After they finished filming part of it, I went over to Sal.

"Sal, my friend Emily is really interested... Are you?"

I showed him a picture, and his eyes nearly popped out his head.

"She's beautiful! She looks like she knows how to do make up... Do you think she can be hired?"

"I'm sure of it."

* see what happens to Sal and Emily in her book ;) *

I walked back over to Q, and whispered in his ear.

"Hey, babe. Wanna have dinner tonight in the city? On me."

"Sure, but I better be getting dessert." He winked at me and I didn't think I could take it.

"Of course." I winked at him, the look that said, "Nine should be good."

He returned it with the smile that said, "nine is perfect."

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