Chapter 20- talking it out and making out

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*** thank you guys for all the reads and votes! I love you :). Enjoy the next chapter! ***

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, Sal talking to Q, Q sighing, thinking. I stayed sitting with my tea in my hand, resting on my lap.

When they got all the way up the stairs, Q stopped in his tracks when he turned to the couch to see me.


"Brian." I hadn't used his actual name since we first met, it was foreign to my mouth.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well as you may not have known, Sal and I have developed a friendship as you and I were dating."

Q put his head down.

"I thought we still are."

He picked it back up, his brown eyes getting lost in my soul.

"No. Not after I already gave you one chance. You said never again. This is worst than the first one! You kept our relationship a secret, but this. Oh, this. You really had the nerve to cheat on me! With my best friend?!"

Q was staring at me, still standing. I glanced over to Sal, and he immedeatly walked into the kitchen to avoid being part of the argument.

"Rachel, I know. Its unexceptable. But babe, please believe me. I didn't cheat on you!"

"Oh really, so making out with another girls while your girlfriend is away at work isn't cheating? Especially when its your girlfriends best friend?"

"No. Because Allison had a play and she asked if I could help her practice. She said I had to be proffesional, and I decided to do it. That's why when you called, the scene I was in with her was a scene where I just woke up. And the kissing scene was when the two characters find their love connection."

I started thinking, connecting the dots. Then, I remembered Allison talking about how she always wanted to do a play, and she found open auditions.


"So do you forgive me?"

"I'm sorry I thought you cheated."

I got up and put my tea down, my arms out ready to embrace Q. He was a little taller than me, because he was five ten and I was five seven, I had to go on my tippy toes.

"Can we please just go back to my place?"

I was waiting to hear those words come out of Q's mouth ever since I forgave him.

"Yes." I smiled, feeling my dimples showing
"Okay, let's go. Sal? We're leaving!"

"Have fun you two!" I could hear him holding in the laugh, and so could Q.

"Idiot," he mumbled.

I closed the door behind us, and got in the car. It took about three minutes from Sal's house to Q's.

When we walked in the house, I immediately pulled Q in, kissing him passionately. This time, I made sure my tongue was more dominant than his, yet he still fought for it.

When we walked into the bedroom, he sat on the bed. I peeled his shirt off, letting it drop to the floor. His legs hanging off the bottom, he layed down me straddling over him. He smiled, I smiled.

"Are you ready, baby?" I looked right into his eyes.


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