Chapter 15- Q's Place

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We were done with dinner, me and Bessy were sharing a pizza. We had about two pieces left which of course Q and Joe ate.

The waiter came to pick up our dish, when he asked if we wanted dessert. I said nothing because I didn't want it to seem like I was rushing the date but I really was. I looked around the table, and looked back up to the waiter with my head nodding.

"No, just the check would be good."

When we got the check, I took out my credit card.

As if it was all at the same time, Bessy, Joe, and Q said, "Woah, woah woah! What are you doing?!"

"Paying! Why does this always happen?"

"Because I'm paying!" Joe lashed out his wallet.

"No, me!" Bessy's wallet was taken out quicker than I could blink.

"I invited us out, I'm paying. No question." Q was so cute when he did this.

"Guys, I asked us out. I'm paying. Its fine."

I let my credit card down on the check, and flagged the waiter.

Me and Q headed out, Bessy was waiting for Joe who was in the bathroom.

I gave her a quick wink and headed out the door.

It only took about ten minutes to get from the restaurant to Q's place.... I had to think of something quick.

"I'm pretty sure I left some of my stuff here last time... Sorry."

I smiled at him, and he smiled back with a little chuckle.

"No no... Its cool. I'm glad your coming back. Maybe you can just leave your stuff here."

I felt my cheeks warm up, and I was trying my best not to smile.

I put my hand on his, my fingers untangled in his.

When we got back to his house, his cats were awaiting us.

"Hey, guys!" I went up to them, sat down, and started to pet them.

Q walked past, smiling. He put up our coats, came back, and sat on the steps to pet them also.

"So, I think I need to shower. I honestly wasn't expecting all of this in one day. Do you mind?"

"No, not at all."

I went upstairs to shower, all part of my plan. I grabbed Q's boxers and TESD shirt.

When I was done, I went back to the couch. My hair was still damp, but I decided it was fine. Q was on the couch, playing with his cats.

I came and sat next to him. I kissed him on the cheek, and he smiled at me.

"I love you. I'm so sorry. I promise I'll never do that to you aga-"

"Shh" I put my finger on his lips, and substituted it for my lips.

We started light kisses, and went onto longer, deeper kisses.

Soon, the cats were scared or bored, and ran to the bedroom. 

Q wrapped his hands around my wrist, and I giggled because I knew he was doing it because  I was wearing his boxers.

We soon decided to go to the bedroom, and the  next thing I know it was three in th  morning. I woke up to a buzz, probably a text.

From: Bessy
How's it going? ;)

To: Bessy
You could say good ;)

Love At No SightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora