Chapter 17- Lunch Calls

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All morning, I was trying to wrap my head around the Q thing. I called him at around 12, I got into work late, but Jessica didn't have to know.

I sat at my desk all day, brainstorming ideas with Shauntell. Bessy introduced me to her, and we became immediate friends.

"How about.... the best parks in town?" I coup hear Shauntell's laugh through the phone, which made me laugh.

"Oh my gosh, no! That's terrible!"

We were both so loud in laughs a co-worker had to come in and shush me. I just closed the door and continued to talk.

"Sahuntell, this morning was super weird. I called Q to tell him the good news, and he sounded sleepy. It was twelve. We woke up together at seven."


"Listen, I don't car that he slept nor after I left. But that doesn't sound like him to sleep until twelve."

"Rach, I don't know what to say."

"Call me crazy, but it sound like he was trying to hide something. And then, after I told him the news, he sounded awake and hung up really quick."

"Do you want to have lunch, and well talk about it there?"

"Yes, absolutely."

"Great! I'll come to the pizzeria close to your work at about... what time is it? Four? How about four thirty?"

"Sounds great!"

After I hung up with Shauntell, I called Q. No response. Straight to voicemail. What is going on?!

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