Chapter 12- What? Oh Hell No.

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Since I was dating Q, like a good girlfriend, I watched all the IJ episodes. I actually thought the show was hilarious and clever.

Q tried texting me, saying he wanted to see me. I always texted back the same thing: What? Oh hell no. I guess he thought it was a joke and used the laughing emoji , but it wasn't. I didn't want to see him. I didn't want to be in the same building as him.

I was coming home from the hospital, my mother insisted, and was expecting to find my friend, Allison. She was taking care of the pets for me while I was gone.

I opened the door, and immediatly said exasperatingly while opening the door,

"Thank you so much. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you."

I walked in, and saw not just Allison sitting on my couches. Q was sitting right across on the other couch, they must have been talking.


He turned around to face me, I was stunned with bags under my eyes and makeup running down my face from tears and perspetration from the subway.

"Rachel..." I wasn't the only stunned one. "I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon.... You told me five minutes."

"Allison! What difference does it make?! I told you not to let anybody up!"

"I'm sorry! I had to! Q was telling me what happened after I yelled at him, and I realized that he just needs to explain himself."

"He doesn't need to explain anything. Leave." I stared right into his brown eyes, trying not to get trapped in them.

"Rachel, please. Just sit down, babe."


We both sharply looked at Allison, and she walked away giggling with Lucy, Byron, and Casey.

"I have nothing to say to you." I stormed into the kitchen, Brian following.

"You're right. But I do."

He grabbed me by the arms gently, but forceful enough for me to stop. He turned me around so I was facing him, and he kept his hands on my shoulders.

"I was a real dick. I know. I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hide it, I just didn't want you to get made fun of by the guys. They can be bigger dicks then me sometimes."

"Doubt it." I mumbled it slightly so he could hear, and smiled a little. I missed him more than I thought.

Allison must had known what was up because the next thing I heard was the lock shut on my room and the TV turn on really loud. TruTv. Of course.

"I'm sorry, babe. I really am. I'm not going to hide this anymore. Not the slightest bit. I love you."

The next thing I knew, we were on the couch.

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