Chapter 8- Hospital Visits

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My dad was a doctor, so going to the hospital was never scary for me. I was used to it. So why was this like Friday the thirteenth?

"Rachel?!" A shaky voice called at me with face that looked like it was sunburned.

"Mom!" I sighed and ran into a hug and a puddle of tears and tissues. "How is he?"

"The doctor says that he needs to take it easy but he's still in a fragile condition. The slightest scare can get his heart in trouble."

I walked into the room to find my two older brothers already by the bed where a white corpse lay breathing, hooked up to more machines than a robot.

"Daddy, what happened?" I gave him a warm smile with my dimples and saw a smile from him in return.

"I.... Guess..... Excersize..... Hurts....." He was so pale and fragile.

"Shhh don't talk, rest."

I soon turned to mom and asked her the same question.

"Well, he said he was going to go for a walk, and I said I would come. You know your father. He can't wait! He walked around the block and when he came back to the house, he just collapsed!"

My oldest brother, Tyler, was walking around the room. His face was almost as pale as my father's. My older brother, Kyle, was sitting at his bedside.

"Where were you when I called?" My mom was staring at me.

"I was with Q, he has a TV show and I was with him as he filmed."

Tyler and Kyle were now staring at me also.

"What?" They seemed to be the same person.

"Its called Impractical Jokers. Can we please worry about my father, not Q?!"

We all turned back to my dad, where he said one thing to me:

"Make sure he treats you as good as I did and do."

Love At No SightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz