Chapter 19- Reasons

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After about a minute of forceful kissing, Sal pulled me away, in a way that felt like he didn't want to.

"What the hell was that?"

Still tears in my eyes, I sniffeled and began to explain.

"Q kissed Allison on the same couch in my house he kissed me. And it was the couch where we got back together, and I felt like I could trust him with anything."

I was like niagra falls, and Sal pulled me in close to his chest. He smelled like Axe, the night version. I was still crying, he was hushing me while petting my hair and hugging me.

"Do you want to come in?" He pulled me away from his chest, and exposed my tear stains.

"Yes, please."

I looked down at his shirt with a sorry look, he returned it with a don't worry about it, I didn't even like this shirt look.

Once I got settled on his white leather couch, he went into the kitchen and brought out two teas.

"Earl Grey? This is my favorite tea of all time. I don't even remember telling you."

"You didn't have to, Q told me. I'm sure there's some kind of misunderstanding between you three, because he really does love you. And Allison would never hurt you on purpose."

I stared into my tea like I was looking into my future, pondering on the words Sal was saying.

"I guess your right, but I can't talk to either of them! It just hurts too much."

"Its understandable. But you at least need one of them to explain the story to you. There's no way Q would cheat on you. Never. He keeps telling us how perfect you are, and how cute you look when you wake up in the morning with your hair volume bigger than normal. Or your beautiful eyes just staring straight into his boring brown eyes, insisting that they're beautiful."

Sal was staring into my eyes, I was staring into his. They were a beautiful bright green, perfect, actually. I never noticed how perfect they were, or how sexy that part in his hair was, or his beard. Wow, his beard. How had I not noticed it?

I leaned in, my hand on his shoulder. He started to lean in, and leaned back out.

"I can tell you want to kiss me. Why don't you? Your really sexy, you know. Wow, your hair...."

"Rachel, what are you doing? You love Q. He loves you. Of course I want to kiss you. You have no idea how hard this is. But I know your just thinking of Q when your kissing me, not me."

"Your right. I guess because you two are so close I needed Q, but not actually Q so I just visioned him while I was kissing you."

I grabbed my tea by the handle and and took a sip, when my phone buzzed.

From: Q
Babe. I'm so sorry. Please. Just come meet me somewhere and let's talk. Please. Its not what it looked like.

I got a teardrop on my phone and put it down. It hurt too much to deal with it at the moment.

Soon, I got another text. I waited about a minute because I was certain it was going to be Q again.

From: Bessy and Shauntell
Shauntell- yea, I left you for like five minutes! Call when you can. xo

Sal walked back from the kitchen, tea still in hand.

"I think you need to talk to Q before anybody else. You two should go meet at a coffee shop or something."

"I gue-"

The doorbell rung right on time like it was planned.

Sal went to the door, opened it, and all I could hear was,

"Q? How are ya buddy?"

I guess it was going to be now or never.

*** ***
Hope you guys enjoyed thus chapter!

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