Chapter 35

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Austin's POV

As I laid in bed the next morning I was at peace. My father was in full recovery mode, my wife was yet again pregnant, Bentley said daddy before mommy (but I don't let Av know how happy that made me because it made her equally sad), my business is thriving, and John-Luke is excelling in everything he does. Herc is at his biggest now and they are inseparable as always. I felt Ava move beside me. Pregnancy causes her to be a restless sleeper. I figure this is our last go around and from now on we might foster or adopt.

"You're making my head heart thinking so hard." I heard her complain before she rolled over and laid on my chest. "How did you sleep?" She asked.

"Great. My arm fell asleep after being tucked under your body for over an hour, then you elbowed me when you rolled over, oh and then you snored. I slept great baby." I kissed the top of her head.

"That's not fair. I'm pregnant. What's your excuse?" Here it goes again. The pregnancy card. It wins a lot of battles but let's face it, she normally wins anyways. Before I could reply she launched off the bed and ran to the bathroom. I followed behind her because I was afraid she was getting sick. When I reached the bathroom she stood there with her legs crossed in front of the toilet. "Leave. I have to pee."

"Are you serious? You've peed in front of me before. Honey, I've sat in here while you took a shit because you had to tell me about how Hercules tore up you're favorite beach towel." I said while laughing. She frowned instantly.

"I know but sometimes I'm shy. Get out." She pleaded while bouncing just a little to hold it in. I planted my feet, crossed my arms, and shook my head no. No way was I leaving. She finally caved and peed while I laughed and brushed my teeth. "It's not funny." She said and I gave her a wink in response. When she finished she joined me in the morning ritual at our separate sinks.

"I see a little bump." I said excitedly. She looked at me and pouted. "No baby don't cry."

"I'm not crying." She said as a tear leaked out. God I forgot about these hormones. "It's just that I never normally have a bump this early. Which means I'll get really fat this time and what if I can't loose it? Plus I can't keep any of my emotions under control. They're all over the place." She said throwing her hands up. I just smiled and watched as she ranted. I loved these moments because she looked so beautifully confused. All of a sudden the hand towel was thrown in my face.

When I pulled it down she was gone and walking in to the closet mumbling about he never listens. I do but she just needs something to complain about. I took a quick shower and came out with my towel on and a rubber band in hand. Just as I imagined, there's clothes strewn across the closet and Av is trying to get a pair of jean shorts to buckle. I walked over and placed the rubber band in place of the unmet buttons. "Thank you." She said with a slight pout.

"Anything for my girl. Although it's more fun to take it off." I said as I lifted her up onto the counter thing in the middle of our closet. She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled.

"Well you can do all that you want because after this I'm getting fixed." She said and I laughed.

"I'm okay with that. Because that means spontaneity and carelessness." This time she laughed.

"You're such a perv." She said as she pushed on my chest.

"Only for my wife." I said honestly. I could look at different women but at the end of the day I still compared them to Av and they didn't match up.

"Good answer." She said before she pulled me in for a kiss. When it was over I pouted. "I guess it's time to break out the box from the attic. The 'fat clothes' box."

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