Chapter 42

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Austin's POV

After John-Luke's news, I was so excited for him. My oldest son was finally with his best friend. But then realization dawned on me that my little girl was not far behind him. She would want to start dating soon and that scared me to death. I laid my head down on the island as I let the coolness cool my overly worked head. I heard my wife open the door, open a beer, and slide it my way. I chugged it in minutes and she had another there for me. She was perfect.

"He's just her friend. I don't even think she likes him like that." Ava said as we turned and looked into the living room at our kids and their friends.

"Friend or not. I was his age before and I know what he's thinking. It's nothing good in my book." I said as I took a sip of my beer. She tucked herself in my side and looked up at me.

"Did you know that I was terrified for a very long time for us to be together for long periods of time before we got married?" I gave her a look between disbelief and question. "I was scared I wasn't going to be able to resist you and would give up my dream of wearing white on my wedding day."

"What made you change your mind?" I asked.

"I learned to trust you and myself. Now you have got to learn to trust your daughter. She will choose someone that treats her the way you treat me. She'll make the right choice when it comes time." She said. I laid my head on her shoulder.

"They better not have as much sex as we do." I said. She laughed and her addictive laugh pulled me in too.

"It's almost time to take everyone home. Are you coming with me?" She asked.

"Yeah. I closed the deal earlier so I'm yours and the kids all weekend." She smiled and mumbled good. We got Kirby and her friend in the car and headed out. We decided to let Callie and Jake come pick up Ella and their son from the house. That gave J-Luke some time with his girlfriend.

When we pulled up to the house, all the lights were off and it seemed as if no one was home. "Are you sure someone's home?" Ava asked him.

"Not really. They leave me a key under the mat if they go out so I can get in." He said. He prepared to get out before I stopped him.

"Do you stay home alone a lot?" I asked.

"Most of the time. I don't mind though, it gives me peace and quiet to read my books." He said. I just nodded my head.

"Well I'm not sending you in to an empty house. You can stay with us tonight, in one of the boys rooms." I said before I realized. Ava looked at me and smiled. I cringed but nonetheless turned around to go home.

When we got back, Ava took him to the laundry room to give him some clothes to sleep in. The boys came and questioned me.

"Why is he here?" Jagger asked.

"I thought you took him home." Bentley said.

"Why is he getting pajamas from mom?" John-Luke asked.

"We took him home to an empty house and I was not leaving him home alone." I said. They nodded but waited for me to continue. "I want him to stay in a room with one of yall and we will take him home tomorrow. After I contact his mother and make sure someone will be home."

"He can stay with me." All of them said in unison. It made me proud that they were so caring of others and so protective of their sister at the same time.

"You guys can figure that out." I said.

I noticed the laundry room door open and they came out. He went to the downstairs bathroom to change as Ava motioned her head for me to meet her in the office. I followed her in.

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