Chapter 36

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Ava's POV

*14 1/2 weeks pregnant*

Twins. I have said that word over and over in my head for the longest time. I looked at the ultrasound picture making sure that the doctor wasn't crazy. Two babies. I would have to go through labor twice in a row. I couldn't wrap my head around it. Ruby has been a saint since finding out. She only knows because I can't do much around the house. My pregnancies were already considered fragile but now I have to be twice as careful.

This morning I laid in bed awake while the rest of my house slept. Today we were hoping to find out the gender of our babies. Austin could only take off for half the day which meant I was alone in shopping online for things. This could be bad or good. Probably bad since I never looked at the price.

I eased my way out of bed and grabbed some clothes for the day. I took a shower and got dressed. I let my hair down to air dry into natural waves. I poured me a glass of chocolate milk and read the latest posts on Facebook. I then got up and looked in on each of my boys. They were sound asleep. I kissed my young boys forehead and kissed my big boys lips. After pulling away he woke up to look for me.

I was sitting on the edge and was leaned over on him. "Good morning." I smiled and kissed his bare chest.

"Morning baby." He said. He scooted over so I could lay back down with him. He was propped on his elbow playing with my not so little stomach.

"What if we can't see the gender?" I asked him. He gave me a confused look. "The doctor said its hard with babies in the same sac because they may block each other." I said frowning.

"I've got this." He said and leaned down to my stomach. "Okay guys. Listen up, it's your daddy. If you're both boys I'm gonna need you to show us and be proud. If you're both girls I'm going to need you to never show anything. Anything at all." I laughed and hit his head. He smiled and continued. "If it's a boy and a girl, I'm going to need you to watch out for your sister. Let us know what you are. But if you're a girl, this is the only time I'm going to allow such actions." He kissed my stomach and then leaned up and kissed me.

"Problem solved?" I asked him.

"Problem" he kissed my lips "solved" he said as he kissed them again. He hopped out of bed and took off toward the closet.

"Hey. Where are you going?" I asked him leaning on my elbows to look at him.

"Resistance Av. Resistance." He said without turning around. I threw my head back and laughed. I heard feet come pattering down the hall and braced myself.

"Mom I can't find my baseball pants. I have a game tomorrow. What if we lost them? Plus Hercules is out of food." I heard my oldest son John-Luke ramble.

I got up out of bed and walked toward him. I grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eye. "Your pants are folded underneath your jersey. Hercules has more food in the pantry that's in the sun room out back." I kissed his cheek to which he groaned. He followed me out of my room and he went to feed Herc. I went to check on my youngest son, as of now, Bentley. He was jumping around on his bed playing with the basketball and hoop that used to be on J-Luke's baby bed. "Hey Bent, let's get you dressed."

After dressing Bentley we made our way downstairs. Of course there was a plethora of food because you could expect nothing less from Ruby. We all ate and headed out. Today the boys were going with us. We wanted to share this last moment together before I got 'fixed', if you will.

"So will we see the baby?" John-Luke asked.

"Actually there are two babies." I said as I was buckling Bentley in his car seat. We had yet to explain all this to him because his travel ball team had games back to back.

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