Chapter 38

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*25 weeks pregnant*

"Fat. Just say it honey. I'm fat." I said as I cried out.

"You are not fat. You're pregnant with two babies. That's it." He said as he continued working in his office at the house.

"My maternity clothes don't even fit. My boobs and butt have grown almost two sizes-"

"Not bad things." He muttered putting on his glasses as he looked at the files spread out on his desk.

"No they're not. I can't keep adding on weight. I still have 3 months left. Most of the time you deliver twins 3 weeks early." I sat in the chair in front of his desk.

"Babe. It's going to be fine. You work out and your boobs and butt always go back down." He said with a hint of sadness.

"Don't sound so thrilled." I said with a smirk he detected because he laughed. He took of his glasses and looked up at me. His eyes looked straight through me and said everything I needed to hear. "I love it when you can look at me and I feel as if you see straight through me. It overwhelms me and makes me so happy that you get me."

He got up and came over to me. He propped up on the arms of my chair and kissed me like it was the first time. When he pulled away we were both breathing very heavy. "I love you."

I closed my eyes and smiled. I pulled him back down and kissed him again. "I love you."

He went back to his work and I went to the kitchen where John-Luke, Bentley, and Ruby were. "Mom I need you to help me with my homework." J-Luke said.

"Oh so now you're doing homework?" I asked.

"Mom I already told you and dad I was sorry. I'm going to do better." He said. Last week John-Luke made a C on two of his homework assignments because he waited to the last minute. We give him a certain amount of freedom and when he breaks that trust we give him, we have consequences.

"I know baby. I'm not going to keep talking about it but let me say this, if you would have been so eager to do your homework like you are right now then you wouldn't be grounded. Now tell me what it is you need to figure out." We sat for maybe half an hour and got all of his homework finished. Bentley sat on my other side during this time just laughing at us and eating a snack. I loved being able to spend time with my boys.

"Alright guys. I'm so tired of being cramped in this house. Even if it is. large. Let's go out tonight." Austin said coming in the kitchen.

"Where do you suppose we go?" I asked him with raised eyebrows.

"I've got it picked out. Go get ready. Dress as if we were spending the day in the back yard." He said as he grabbed Bentley and ran off upstairs.

"What's dad up to?" J-Luke asked.

"At this point, I'm ready to ask you." I said as I kissed his forehead and got up. He groaned but had a hint of a smile on his face. We both headed off to get ready.

I decided to wear jeans with holes in them because it is supposed to be cool tonight. And they are the only pair that fit. I pulled on a black tank top that went past my butt and pulled on a maternity burgundy red loose tank top that said 'I'm so pregnant'. It was my favorite at the moment and it matched my nails which I have done since I can't do them myself. I pulled on black sanuk flip flops and some light jewelry. I grabbed a black cardigan in case I got cold. I walked to John-Luke's room and saw him tying his nikes. He had on black basketball shorts and a blue tshirt.

"Go feed Herc and let him out. Be sure Ruby is getting ready to go with us too." He nodded his head and ran off.

I walked to Bentley's room and saw Austin and him shooting baskets on his mini basketball goal. Bentley had on black baby sweatpants and a blue shirt that matched J-Luke's with his baby nikes. Austin was wearing gray basketball shorts and a black shirt. He had on his tennis shoes as well. "Are you ready Mr. Don't-tell-your-wife-anything?" I asked. Bentley came running to me and I lifted him up. I had to be easy with it because I can't strain too much. I kissed all over his face which made him laugh.

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