Chapter 12

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When we got to the apartment, I got John-Luke out, carried my purse, and the diaper bag. Austin got the take out we got for John-Luke, the shopping bags from the zoo, and John-Luke's pack and play. I realized if our relationship was going to be serious then I would need to get stuff for John-Luke to have at my house. We got up to the door and I grabbed my keys out of my purse and unlocked the door. I walked in and stopped dead in my tracks, causing Austin to ram into my back.

Callie, Brey, Shelby, and Autumn were sitting on the couch watching tv. When we came in they looked at us. They froze their eyes on John-Luke. Oh no! What if Austin isnt ready to explain it yet. Please don't ask questons. All of a sudden they jumped off the couch and came running to see him spitting out questions like 'who is this little cutie', 'what's his name', and 'can I hold him.'

"This is John-Luke. John-Luke this Callie, Shelby, Autumn, and Brey." He just shyed away into the crook of my neck. Callie began to tickle him and then he giggled and went to her.

"You know, this pack and play is a lot heavier than I remember." Austin said while grunting. I laughed and moved us all to the living room and set our stuff on the table. He started setting up the pack and play. I looked over to see Shelby had John-Luke and he was saying her name like 'Sheeby' which made us all laugh. I looked over to see Austin was finished and watching us.

"He's my son." I heard Austin spit out of nowhere. I didn't know why he did it. No one was asking questions but I think they all knew.

"Well duh. He looks just like you." Shelby said as she continued tickling him. We all laughed and Austin shook his head while laughing.

I stood up and walked to him. I stood in front of him. "You dont have to explain it if you dont want to."

"I'm going to go warm up his food so we can feed him. Okay?" Austin shook his head and dropped down on the recliner.

Callie came in after me. "That was the secret huh?"

"Yeah it was. When he told me I thought about what you said, not to react hastly. So, after some talk about it and some thought, I said show me. He started to pull up a picture on his phone but I told him I wanted to see him with my own eyes. He took me to his house and I met John-Luke. I even helped get him to sleep."

"Thats so sweet. Can I ask you a question? How come no one knew about John-Luke?" She asked. I knew she loved kids and couldn't see how any kid should be kept a secret.

"Well, he was afraid people would talk about him. He didnt want John-Luke to grow up and be criticized. He just wants a good life for his son." She nodded her head now understanding his reasoning.

"He sounds like a great man. I am glad you found someone you can be honest with. I can already see the attachment and love in your eyes and actions. I hope you both treat it seriously. You guys will go far. I just know it."

"Really?" she just nodded. "I want us to go far. When he told me about John-Luke, it just made me like him more. I really think I could love him but it wont be confirmed until he says it first." We both laughed and some more small talk while I put John-Luke's food on a plate. I grabbed his sippy cup off the table and filled it with sweet tea.

Callie left to go meet up with her boyfriend. She said for me to call her later and tell her how the night went. I walked with the plate in hand back over to Austin and John-Luke.

"Okay Av. We are going to the movies. You love birds have fun. If you ever need us to baby sit just holler." Shelby said as the rest of the girls hugged us and left.

Since I didnt have a high chair, I fed him while he was on Austins lap. I really wanted to know if Austin wanted us to be serious or just friends. So i was BOLD and asked. "Austin, do you want us to be serious? I mean I know we are boyfriend and girlfriend, but do you see more for us?"

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