Chapter 4

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We all piled in the car and headed back to the school. They started conversation that kept the whole way.

"So does this mean you will be going with him to Maggie's party?" Autumn asked. Maggie is the most popular girl in school and she decided to have a party for all the senior class. I had not put much thought into going but with this new... fling. I started rethinking it.

"Umm. I don't know. If he asks i guess. If he doesn't I guess." We all let out a little giggle.

"Ok well we are going and would really like you to come with us." I put no more thought into it. These were my girls and i want to spend every moment with them.

"Ok i'll go." I then remebered what mom said. "Oh, by the way, mom said we could quit our jobs becaus they now own the whole apartment complex. She said all our parents talked and decided they could handle everything because they wanted us to focus on school."

"Sounds good to me." Brey chimed.

"Same here." Agreed Autumn.

I nodded and grabbed my phone out of my purse. Autumn was driving since I couldn't until 24 hours had passed. I unlocked my phone and noticed I had five new messages. How many pictures can mom take, for real. I opened them and realized they were not only from her. They were from mom, dad, and nitsua gnik. I was so confused. So i clicked on moms first. She had only taken two pictures. One when we were hugging and the other when he was holding the school door open for me. I texted her back and called her a stalker.

Dad and I rarely talked since he remarried. His text just asked how i was doing and asked if we could have lunch one day. I sat there debating on whether or not to tell him yes. So i just said good and maybe, to let me know when he was free.

I clicked on nitsua gnik. The first text said to read the name backwards. King Austin. Oh. My. Gosh. I looked at the picture he sent and it was the one he took, of us. I saved all the pictures to my phone, changed his name to Austin King, and then sent back Lame. I was waiting for his reply.

Austin- You know you like it ;)

Me- Maybe. Good luck tonight ;)

I locked my phone and stepped into the chilly wind. These ripped jeans offered no warmth. We got in and paid for our tickets. I was a manager of the girls team but I didn't have to do anything except keep a chart. I could that from my seat but tonight was the other managers turn. I sat in the student section by Callie and all our friends. The girls game was on and I cheered for Shelby, another one of my best friends. I was turned toward my right talking to Callie when I felt someone slide in beside me.

"Hey beautiful." Austin said as I looked at him. He was in his warm up suit and looked mighty fine.

"Hey stud." I said as I winked at him. I noticed he smelled like a baby. "Why do you smell like a baby?" I laughed as his face dropped and paled.

"I uh... I ummm-" he stuttered.

"King come on. Coach wants us in the locker room." Jake yelled from the front of the bleachers.

"I gotta go." Austin said as he got up and took off. I sat there with a weird look on my face. What was that all about? Guess I'll figure out later.

The boys game ended and they ran back to the locker room and changed. I debated whether or not I should wait. I didn't know if I would look desperate but I ended up waiting anyways.

I was looking at everyone leaving when two burly arms wrapped around me and lifted me off the ground and swung me around. I screamed and laughed at the same time. Austin put me down and threw his arm over my shoulders. I put my hand on top of the arm that was on my shoulders. "I'm glad you waited on me in here." I smiled and walked outside. All of the students were going to get ice cream but I figured it would mean more if I waited and went with Austin instead of riding in my car with the girls.

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