Chapter 15

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At this current moment, me and Austin were arguing. Here lately, we have been arguing a lot. We aren't like arguing to the point of breaking up but rather about our future and our plans. It's ok though because the apologies are worth it. The apologies are roses, chocolates, diamonds, and anything that will get me to side with him. But this argument was not going to be won with that. He said that when we get married, I would not work. I wanted to work, I'm an independent person.

"Ava, when we are married you won't have to work. I'll own the company and we will have a steady income of millions or more. Don't you want to stay home with John-Luke and our other children?" He had come up to me and stuck his hands under my shirt and was touching my bare waste that was cut off by my sweat pants, with his very warm hands and it was a total distraction!

"Don't twist this on me Austin! You know I would love to stay home with our kids but I want to help take care of their needs. I have dreamed of being an eye doctor for as long as I remember. I want to do that for me." I swatted his hands away and went into the kitchen of my apartment. Luckily, all of our arguments have been when John-Luke was with my parents or his. We don't ever argue in front of him because that's not for his ears to hear.

I heard Austin follow me and he sighed. "Baby, look at me." I refused. He knew if I looked at him I'd smile, break down and cry, or laugh. He came up behind me and poked me in the side.

"Stop. Austin, I'm not kidding. Stop it." I finally turned to face him. He just smiled at me and put his hand on the side of my face. I instantly leaned into his hand.

"You know I'd never stop you from following your dreams. I just want to be able to take of you and our family. It's my job as a man." He must of seen that this was working because he leaned in for a kiss. I put my hand over his mouth.

"Even if that was the sweetest thing you could have said at this moment, I am still not ready to kiss you or show you any affection. You know how I am when I'm angry." He busted out of my hand and smirked. Smirked! Of all things, he wants to risk a smirk!

"Yeah I do know. When you're angry, you are sexy as-"

"Don't finish that sentence if you want a kiss tonight." I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

He smiled and said "Why?"

I stomped off and yelled back "You know why Austin King!"

He just laughed and said "is it because it makes you blush?" I just huffed and threw myself on my bed, burying my head in my pillow. I felt him lean over the bed to get his face close to mine and kept asking huh as I tried to avoid his lips getting any closer to mine. My saving grace was a knock at the door.

Austin and I walked to the front and he answered the door. It was my mom and she had brought John-Luke back. "Hey buddy. Daddy's missed you stinker." Austin reached for him but John-Luke shook his head, reached for me with one arm, and was running his eyes with the other. Looks like someone was sleepy.

"Momma..." Mumbled John-Luke and I just smiled and gave Austin a smirk. He mumbled something about his own kid not even wanting to be touched by him. I took my little baby in my arms. I thanked mom for watching him, kissed her cheek, and then walked into John-Luke's room and started to sing to him to try and get him to sleep.

When John-Luke was finally out, I went looking for that sexy man I call boyfriend. I found him sitting on the couch with his elbows on his knees and he was concentrating hard. "Babe what's wrong?"

He leaned back and offered for me to relax on the couch with him. I took the offer almost as quick as he gave it. "We haven't talked about John-Luke calling you momma. I mean I know he has a mom but she isn't ever around and its been a month since she said she was gonna fight us. I guess I just gave up on her."

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