Chapter 16

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Austin's POV

"Babe, let's talk about this." Here lately, I've come to Ava's after work to pick up John-Luke. Today, however, he was hanging out with his grandparents. When I got home..


I unlocked the door to Ava's apartment with my key, which took a lot of effort to get. She is so beautifully stubborn. I set my stuff down on the island and picked up the note she left. She always greets me at the door. What is she doing? The note said "Since you work for your dads landscaping company, you have been coming in dirty. I've found a way to fix that. In the cabinet of the island, you will find a nerf water gun. You will have 10 seconds to fill it up and be ready for war. 10. " I quit reading, grabbed the gun, loaded it with water from the sink. I turned around and Ava was standing there in sky blue Nike shorts and a black sportsbra. She looked hot and scary at the same time. She looked scary because her gun was pointed directly at me.

"One" was all she said and then we fired away. We wound through the furniture, rooms, and hallways trying to spray the other. When I ran out of water I ran to the hallway bathroom and she was in the kitchen.

*End of Flashback*

"What is there to talk about?" she asked.

"Let's call a truce. I'm tired and I really just want to relax with you. Plus I have a game tomorrow." Please fall for it. Please.

"Alright come out with your hands raised." Psht. As if! I got my gun ready to fire and yanked open the door. She wasn't anywhere in site. I walked past the facing and then that's when it hit me. Literally. A humongous water ballon fell on top of my head. It was a trap. She wanted me to go to the bathroom so I could open the door, step over the facing, and then the balloon would fall. Smart.

I looked to see Ava on the floor laughing her head off. She was almost dry and I was now soaked. Yes! I ran over to her and lifted her up. When she realized what I was doing her eyes got so big. I gave her the wettest and biggest bear hug you could ever give. She screamed and then started laughing. Days like today make my love for her quadruple. How did I get so lucky?

After we cleaned up the apartment and our selves, we sat on the couch to start the movie Red Dawn. Ava was a huge Hemsworth fan. Later we were going to watch every Carrie Underwood video, if you catch my drift. I was sitting on the couch and Ava came in with popcorn and played back on me. I kissed her forehead and grabbed a handful of popcorn.


Man, that water fight was the bomb!! I could not believe he fell for my trap. What a goober? I'm not gonna lie, I love seeing him all tan and sweaty from work. But when he takes a shower and uses that fresh cologne, mmm. Don't even get me started.

I love these moments. Those moments where you can just chill with the man you love and relax. I had been so stressed about school and colleges, I needed tonight. I'm not gonna lie, it feels like we are missing a piece of the picture: John-Luke. He needs to be here, with us, as a family, because that's what we are. Our own little family.



Last night was amazing. Austin left when the movie was over and went to go get John-Luke. When he left I went and laid down. I couldn't go to sleep without knowing him and John-Luke made it home safely. He sent me a Snapchat of him in the bed with John-Luke laying on beside him with his head on his arm. Of course I screenshot the picture and saved it.

Today was Saturday and Austin had a game at noon and then he was going to to go the construction site his dad was working at to finish up the project. We made our way to the gym, Austin's hand in mine as he had John-Luke on his free side.

When we got in the girls were warming up. Shelby just made a lay up and came over and hugged me, tickled John-Luke and hit Austin's arm before getting back in line. Austin's parents were back so we sat with them. I sat in front of his mom and he sat in front of his dad. He put John-Luke in the bleachers between us so he could stand up and play with all four of us making sure he didn't fall.

At halftime, Austin kissed mine and little mans forehead as he went to the locker room. Shelby took Austin's spot and Callie sat by me.

I leaned down and told J-Luke to tell Shelby she played good. "Pway good Sheeby." He laughed after he said it.

Shelby laughed and give him a tight hug. "Thanks J-Man." During Austin's game John-Luke started rubbing his eyes because this was his nap time.

"Momma.." he said as he reached for me. I heard Shelby, Callie, and Austin's parents gasp as he called me momma in front of them. I didn't have the heart to tell him not to, plus me and Austin talked about it and he didn't mind. I picked him up and laid his head on my shoulder while his long legs straddled my lap. He was going to be tall like his daddy.

I looked up at Austin's mom and dad to see a smile on their face and maybe a trace of tears in his moms eyes. Shelby and Callie were just grinning from ear to ear.

"It suits you." Callie said as Shelby agreed.

"Thank you." I said as I smiled at both of them and rubbed my baby's back. With all the noise, I didn't figure he would go to sleep so he laid there with his eyes open but not as awake as before.

After the game, Austin went to work. He let me have John-Luke for the rest of the day and we are going grocery shopping. I am trying to avoid the candy aisle, so I went to the fruit snacks. "I wanna go down aisle." John-Luke said, while pointing to the candy aisle. He got his nap in on the way over here because Austin's game was an hour away from where we lived and an hour and a half away from our grocery store.

"Maybe later, okay?" He just nodded his head and went back to looking at the fruit rollups. We continued to look for a little longer and then John-Luke, who was sitting in the buggy, grabbed the arm I had propped on the buggy. I looked down at him and he had a scared look on his face. "What's wrong sweetie?"

He leaned in, pointed, and whispered "scary girl." I looked over and sure enough, it was Jana. I pushed John-Luke's hand down. She was staring straight at us, as she moved down the aisle to us. I so did not want to deal with her today.

"Look Jana, I don't want any trouble. Just leave us alone." I proposed.

"You have a couple things of mine and I want them back." She said. I was about to reply when I heard gunshots and yelling. I instantly grabbed John-Luke and dropped to the ground and backed up against the shelves. Jana did the same, but on the opposite side. I don't know where it came from.

All of a sudden a loud, deep voice boomed, "Get out all of your money. This is a robbery and any uncooperative people will be shot!" I could feel John-Luke shaking in fear and I could feel his quiet tears hitting my chest.

Before they came around I quickly got John-Luke's attention. "Listen to me, okay? I'm gonna put you on this shelf and I want you to scoot as far back as you can. I need you to be quiet okay. Can you do that for me?" He shook his head and I knocked some fruit rollup boxes out of the way and let him crawl in there. I put the boxes back to where I could only see his eyes and whispered "Everything is going to be okay. I love you so much." I stopped before I started crying. If I didn't make it out, at least he would. That was all that mattered.

This robbery scheme didn't come as a surprise because this grocery store has been booming since the one a couple minutes away closed down. I could see the people in the front with ski masks on and guns held in their hands. Some had black duffle bags strapped to their backs. I thought about grabbing my phone and shooting out a text to someone for help but thought better of it when I saw them coming down the aisle.

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