Chapter 28

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Ava's POV

It's been about 2-2 1/2 months since Bent was born. We have gotten in to a routine at best. Austin gets up to go to work either at the construction site or the office and I get up with him. Most of the time we make love at some point in the morning, mostly in the shower. We aren't trying for another baby right now but I think we are going to try when Bentley is one. After our showers I get up and clean the house. After its clean, I wake the boys up for them to destroy it again. Bentley is most of the time already awake but he just lays there and plays in his crib. Since he has been sleeping so well, we have been putting him in his room. I have my monitor but I always go check him every so often to make sure he's okay. We eat lunch at the same time everyday because Austin will come home or we will go to him to get out for a little bit. Then we have dinner and relax as a family. After we are all ready for bed we tuck both boys in and then go to sleep or have sex again. I think we were both deprived since I was pregnant.

Bentley has grown so much in these two months. He's holding his heap up now but he struggles to roll over but he eventually gets it after some time. Today we are going to the grocery store. John-Luke has been dying to swim so Callie and Jake came over with Callie's little sister, who I'm assuming John-Luke has a crush on, to watch them while I go to the store. Callie has been begging me to let her watch Bentley and today I decided it would be good for me to get out.

I parked at the grocery store and hopped out. I had a list so I wouldn't go crazy and buy too much. I was down to the last thing on my list, ketchup, and of course it was on the top shelf. I couldn't reach it no matter how hard I tried. I felt a hand on my hip and a chest behind me. "Here let me get that for you." I turned and saw my ex boyfriend Chris. He handed me the bottle and I started walking away. He ran up and grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop.

"I don't want to talk to you Chris, much less see you. But thank you for your help." I walked to the cash register and started putting my items on the belt.

"Ava I'm not trying to cause any trouble." He said as he raised his hands in the air.

"Don't call me Ava." I hissed as I continued putting my items on the belt.

"Why? Because pretty boy will get jealous?" He laughed and smirked.

"You're wrong. SEXY man will be jealous. Plus I'd rather you not say my name at all." The cashier told me my amount and I gave her the cash and told her I didn't need the change. The carrier guy followed me out to my car and put my groceries in my back hatch. I paid him a tip and he walked off.

Apparently Chris followed me because he spoke up as I was going to get in. No one was parked on my drivers side so lucky for me, he had to keep his distance. "Why can't we be friends? Just because you're married to the wrong guy doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"That's were you're wrong again. I am married to the perfect guy. Thank God I didn't end up married to you. Do you want to know why we can't be friends, Chris? Because you betrayed me by cheating on me with the school slut and still had the audacity to make me feel less of a person. But now, I'm married and have two wonderful children. You can talk about me all you want but if you ever utter another word about my kids or husband I will put you six feet under." I didn't let him reply as I hopped in and drove off. This is going to be an interesting story to tell Austin.

When I got home, I changed into my swim suit and joined the crowd. Austin got off work early so he was in the water, shirtless. Let's just say I'm fighting my urges real hard. "He is such a trooper Ava. He's been sitting here watching." Callie said as I sat down on the lawn chair on the other side of Bentley.

"Let's take him in." I told Callie. She nodded and handed me his water diaper. I sat him on my lap and talked baby nonsense to him. Callie watched me in shock at how well I changed him on my lap. I had practice with John-Luke. "You ready?" I asked Callie. She nodded. I started down the steps of the pool holding Bentley in my arms. As soon as the water hit his feet and my waist he started laughing and kicked his feet. I continued to lower him until about his neck. He loved every moment of it. Before you freak out the sun was behind the house so he would not get sun burnt.

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