Chapter 21

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Me, Austin, and John-Luke were standing in line for dinner, and I was going to fix John-Luke's plate, so Austin had him on top of his shoulder's.

Pops spoke up, "Okay everyone, let's bow our heads and pray. Dear Lord we thank you for the safe trip here, and we thank you for this wonderful meal we are about to eat. We pray that you will bless it to the nourishments of our bodies, and we also ask, Dear God, that you will lead Ava and Austin in their journey, and you will guide them Lord." I felt Austin reach back and grab my hand. I held on and gave him a reassuring squeeze. "Lord we pray that you will help them to have a long and full marriage. We pray for your protection and will. Everyone says?" Then came a chorus of Amens.

We went throught the line, and chose a picnic table that was empty. Me and Austin sat across from each other and John-Luke sat on top of the table. Austin got us drinks and we started eating, me feeding John-Luke and then Austin. "What do you have planned for tomorrow?" Austin asked.

"I think all of us girls are going shopping. Why?" I didn't want to tell him I was buying my dress so he wouldn't have a reason to look.

"I think the boys are going to go surfing.." I just looked up. He paused and I looked up at him. I knew immediately what he was thinking.

"No. Absolutely not." Was he crazy?

"Av, Baby, come on. John-Luke would love it. You know how much he loves the water." This is true but this is a wide open ocean. He could float away.

"Yes I do. He loves pool water, clear, shark-free water." I commented.

"We would not go that far out with him. We would not go further than we could stand. You know I wouldn't let anything happen to him, and I wouldn't take any risks." He said with pleading eyes. I recoiled back because I kind of did imply that he was wreck less and he really wasn't.

"I know, babe. I know." I said, whilst preoccuping my self with feeding John-Luke.

"So is that a yes?" I didn't say anything, but I just gave him a look of I guess. He smiled and got up from his side of the table and walked to mine. He bent down, and I leaned my head back. I held onto John-Luke's foot, to be sure he stayed put, and kissed Austin. "Thank you, so much."

"Go on. Tell the boys you're going." He kissed me again, and then ran like a little boy to his friends. I loved that goofball so much.

"What was that about?" Callie asked, as she took Austin's seat.

"I just gave candy to a baby." We just started laughing.

"Are you ready to get your dress tomorrow?" Callie had asked me smiling the whole time. I just silently pondered while she was telling me what would look best on my figure.

I had only been with Austin for a couple of months but it's like we were together a lot longer before that. He was always a friend of mine but we just now had made a move to a relationship. I've always wanted him to be with me, but I knew it would happen when we were ready. I am so ready to be with him and to have him by my side all the time.

I looked back up to Callie and smiled, "We'll know the right one when my mom starts crying." She smiled and nodded her head. My mom only cries on the real deals.

"I don't want Mom to cry though." Callie and me share our moms. They both take such good care of us. I wish she could have been here for the wedding.

"It'll be happy tears. She loves that doofus more than me. Especially this little one." I say pointing my eyes at J-Luke. As if on cue, he laughs and claps his hands because my mother is making her way toward him.

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